Sunday, April 16, 2023

SOT Productions' Facebook Page is now Open.

For more Seance of Terror Commericals go to for more Seance of Terror & Video Game Content.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

2023 Indianapolis 500 on NBC - Punishment (Featuring Lynda Carter & Lyle Waggoner) (Concept)

 This is the concept version of the 2023 Indianapolis 500 on NBC Commericals (Featuring Lynda Carter & Lyle Waggoner)

115 Seconds

95 Seconds

There are two options: Settle a Punishment from Steve Trevor & Go on a real vacation as Diana Prince or Watch the 107th Running of the Indianapolis 500. May 28, 2023 on NBC & streaming on Peacock.

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials:

#SeanceofTerrorCommericals, #Indy500, #SOTProductions5th

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Twix Cookie Dough - Punishment (Featuring Lynda Carter & Miley Cyrus) (#SuperBowlLVIII) (Easter '23)

Twix Cookie Dough Commerical Featuring both Lynda Carter & Miley Cyrus for Super Bowl LVIII on February 11, 2024 only on CBS,

There are 3 options: Go on a real vacation, wake up from a nightmare or try Twix Cookie Dough to settle it.

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials:

#SeanceofTerrorCommericals, #SuperBowlLVIII, #SOTProductions5th

Saturday, April 8, 2023

LEGO®️ Batman™️ 2: DC Super Heroes (2012) with Unfathomable

This is my walkthrough of LEGO®️ Batman™️ 2: DC Super Heroes (2012) with Unfathomable.

Part 1 - Introduction (Theatrical Pursuits)

Part 2 - Stop The Joker (Harboring a Criminal)

Part 3 - To the Batcave (Arkham Asylum Antics)

Part 4 - Courtyard Clean Up (Asylum Assignment)

Part 5 - Race to Ace (Chemical Crisis)

Part 6 - The Juggernaut (Chemical Signature)

Part 7 - Detective Work (Unwelcome Guests)

Part 8 - Sky Chase (Destination Metropolis)

Part 9 - Mr Luthor Is Expecting You (Research and Development)

Part 10 - Robot Takedown (Down To Earth)

Part 11 - Crash Landing (Underground Retreat)

Part 12 - City Hall Rally (The Next President)

Part 13 - A Desperate Plan (Core Instability)

Part 14 - Wayne Tower Showdown (Tower Defiance)

Part 15 - The Final Battle (Heroes Unite) (Ending)

My Videos/Playlists:

Batman: The Telltale Series with the Lynda Carter Swimsuit Effect Version:

My Blogspot posts:

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials: 

#SeanceofTerrorCommericals, #LEGO, #Batman, #LEGOBatman, #LEGOBatman2, #LEGOBatman2DCSuperHeroes, #SOTProductions5th


Friday, April 7, 2023

NR2003 Package


Here's my link to download it along with ZModeler.

NASCAR on NBC 2018 Intro with Seance of Terror

NASCAR returns to NBC June 25th on the networks of NBC, USA & Streaming on Peacock.

Here's the Seance of Terror Version of this one.

What's Better than Steve Trevor punishing Diana Prince & sending her on a real vacation? NASCAR​ returning to NBC Sports​ June 25th to NBC​, USA & Streaming on Peacock​. Featured Song: Running Down a Dream - ZZ Ward​

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials: 

#SeanceofTerrorCommericals, #NASCARonNBC, #SOTProductions5th


#SuperBowlLIX Commercials (Seance of Terror & The Duo is Slumming)

In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs facing the Philadelphia Eagles (a Rematch of Super Bowl LVII), Here's the list of Commercials that sh...