Showing posts with label America's Got Talent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's Got Talent. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

America's Got Talent Season 3 Intro with Seance of Terror

 Here's my America's Got Talent Intro with Seance of Terror from Season 3 of the Show. (When that Season was hosted by Jerry Springer)

There are two options: Go on a real vacation or watch AGT, returning May 30th on NBC. Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials: Youtube: Facebook: Blogspot: Instagram: Video dedicated to Jerry Springer (1944-2023) #SeanceofTerrorCommercials, #AGT, #AmericasGotTalent, #JerrySpringer, #SOTProductions5th

#SuperBowlLIX Commercials (Seance of Terror & The Duo is Slumming)

In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs facing the Philadelphia Eagles (a Rematch of Super Bowl LVII), Here's the list of Commercials that sh...