Showing posts with label Go Get It! with Tom & Trixie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Go Get It! with Tom & Trixie. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Sandra Orealia: Hearth of Takeover - Episode 4 - Pussycat Underground Rather Rotten Society (Updated)

 Episode 4 of Sandra Orealia - Hearth of Takeover - Go Get It!


After 5 chefs were kidnapped (including Chef Maneet Chauhan), Captain Orealia has to find Go Get It! & shut the show down for good & make her culprits pay for kidnapping Maneet Chauhan, Duskie Estes, Mary Dumont, Mario Pagan & Andrew Kirschner, but gets sidetracked that someone else was behind the Next Iron Chef kidnappings.


Fort Worth Police Department (November 8, 2010) (4:37 am)

Following her victory at Texas & fainting from a booby-trapped Phone Booth with Knockout Powder, Sandra, upon regaining her senses, finds herself in a interrgration room at the Fort Worth Police Department, but still suffers from the effects of the knockout powder into her. Officer Conrad wakes her up & Sandra wants her lawyer, Fred Davis & questioning what happened to Maneet Chauhan, & Police Officer Conrad stated that Maneet Chauhan was kidnapped by Cats, thinking it was Tom & Trixie & helping to get Sandra out of Fort Worth in less than 24 hours, the orderly came in & tells her, Orealia's being sent home to New York as Fred Davis arrived at the Fort Worth Police Department & hands officer Conrad the paperwork & to take Sandra, due to those crooks that made Sandra Orealia faint after she won the Texas Chase Race & Sandra's lawyer being able to place Sandra into his care with Cat Cora's. As they left the Police Station, those crooks will get Sandra Orealia for this, causing Fred to wonder what had happened.

New York City (November 8, 2010) (3:02 pm)

In New York at 3:02 pm, as they returned to the Orealia Lair next to Kitchen Stadium. Sandra reveals to Fred her knowledge on Go Get It's whereabouts. Sandra then receives a call from John, still in the Points lead after he took it from Billy Jackson by 27 points with her in 5th in the Cup Standings, Orealia also states that she spent 3 hours in the Police Station after she won at Texas & John scoffs all about that & tells her was this all about Maneet Chauhan also, stating that Sandra sent her to Las Vegas on December 3rd for Champions week at the end of the season, who threatens his rival, stating that her sponsor will be 90, in 2011 & her Personal platform & her sponsor PBS Kids. He explains that he has turned public opinion against his rivals names & is using them as figures of hate in the Sprint Cup Series. After feeling the effects of her fainting kick in, Sandra hangs up John & is undisturbed.

Orealia Lair (November 9, 2010) (7:32 am)

Returning to the Orealia Lair, Fred & Cat explain about the effects the knockout powder is having at Sandra. Fred & Cat convince Sandra to rest, Sandra Orealia said to help her & Fred & Cat agreed so they start by addressing the problem at hand, as Việt Dzũng shows concern over Sandra's Race at Texas & Fred stated to Việt that she had a prank, after she won the race. So they got to work on getting Sandra cured from the knockout powder. After taking a record of her DNA and getting her own from the computer's record, they were able to synthesize a Antidote. However it would only work for Sandra, as the powder targeted specific protein within a person's DNA. After administering it, Sandra recovered quickly & decides to find the eliminated Next Iron Chef contestants. Deciding to go talk with Joe & Michelle, Sandra tracked down the Private Investigators to Brockton Public Library. Deciding to go as Captain Orealia, before she leaves to talk with Joe & Michelle, Việt gives her the Laser Powder Gun to use on Lasers. Cat Cora advised that she take great caution & then sets off in the Orealiamobile for the Brockton Public Library.

Brockton Public Library (November 9, 2010) (9:56 am)

Arriving at the Library, Captain Orealia meets Joe & Michelle, but before she can convince them to help her find the eliminated Next Iron Chef contestants. They say they'll do it later as Emmie, Rubye, Shreya, Jay, Marc & Marco meet Joe & Michelle, as they introduce themselves to the 6 kids & then introduces Captain Orealia to the kids & Michelle shows the 6 kids around the library & introduces them to a Microfilm machine & gives them a event of history they can look up. While that's happening, Captain Orealia chats with Việt all about their plan to save the eliminated Next Iron Chef Contestants.

Later, Joe & Michelle, told them all about the main topic they do, which is talking to people, as Rubye talked to Joe & Michelle about a person is lying they will sometimes turn red or smile or not make eye contact with you or look around or fidgeting, Michelle then explained when someone’s lying to you they will look to their left like this. They will take a defensive posture & cross their arms or legs, they will do things that would be considered fidgeting & they’ll start to talk really, really fast. As they get ready to do a mock interview, Captain Orealia chats with Việt all about P.U.R.R.S. & why Chefs Kirschner, Pagan, Dumont, Estes & Chauhan were kidnapped by Tom & Trixie. So Việt tells Sandra if she finds the 5 Chefs, then they'll find out who did it. After the 6 kids & Joe & Michelle we're done with this mock interview, Captain Orealia walk in as Ruff Ruffman contacted his Fetchers & tells them to find the microfilm on the day that Ruff's Parents disappeared, Jay & Marc get the Ruffman's Microfilm from 1978 & put it on the microfilm machine & moments later they found the article & Marc reads it & everyone notices P.U.R.R.S., Ruff contacts them again & notices that the P.U.R.R.S. Logo is on the end credits of Go Get It, so he had Rubye, Shreya & Marco go see James McLurkin about Robots, While Emmie, Jay & Marc learn how to tail a suspect with Joe & Captain Orealia.

Brockton Streets (November 9, 2010) (12:02 am)

Joe then tells the kids all about surveilence & all about it & see if she's lying & observe Gunther. Captain Orealia contacts Việt all about Gunther & she stated that he isn't P.U.R.R.S. related. So Joe, Emmie, Jay, Marc & Captain Orealia find a place to park in Joe's SUV. Minutes Later, Captain Orealia sees Gunther & Joe, Emmie, Jay, Marc & Captain Orealia start following him in their SUV to the Coffee Shop, as Gunther ties up a Dog & they confirm Gunther's Busted & wasn't being honest. Everyone head back to the Library after Captain Orealia talked with Gunther.

Brockton Public Library (November 9, 2010) (1:05 pm)

Later, the 6 kids get a call from Ruff Ruffman & tells them that He & Blossom are running a fake "Help Wanted" ad in the papers & tells them that they'll interview some kids & find out who's working for P.U.R.R.S. by hiring a new Fetcher, so they went to the Fax Machine & Joe gives the kids the newspaper & states that they're gonna do some interviewing & 3 out of the 6 kids did some interviewing. The first applicant named Annie came in & she states that she's never seen an episode of FETCH before, has worked with her Mom at School & has not heard of Go Get It!. The next applicant was a boy named Finn, who wants to work for a guy named Ruff Ruffman & pretends that he hasn't heard of Go Get It!. The last applicant was a boy named Chris, who has seen the show before & has never heard of Go Get It!. Later, Joe & Michelle ask them on who wasn't telling the truth & they all state that Finn wasn't, so Joe tells them that all in a agreement that Finn might be their applicant & pretend to hire him. Finn was brought back be Marco, Rubye & Shreya & they stated that he's qualified for the job & pretend that they'll be in touch & as Finn leaves, Captain Orealia speaks with Việt all about Finn & Việt tells Sandra that he was known as Finn Conman for P.U.R.R.S., which led Sandra, Emmie, Jay & Marc to follow him.

Brockton Streets (November 9, 2010) (1:58 pm)

Captain Orealia & the kids follow Finn to the location for P.U.R.R.S. by hiding, as they followed Finn to the Mayor's office & noticing that he is trying to get a message to P.U.R.R.S.

Brockton Mayor’s Office (November 9, 2010) (2:10 pm)

Finn enters the elevator & Captain Orealia sends Marc with him. Finn leaves the elevator & Marc comes back down & tells them that Finn's on the 3rd floor. Captain Orealia, Marc, Jay & Emmie find a directory & find the P.U.R.R.S. Logo on there & they went to 3rd Floor by taking the stairs. When they got to 3A, they see a sign saying: "Caution. Protected by powerful laser beams. No Entry." & they notice lasers, so Captain Orealia used her laser powder gun to check for lasers & learning from Captain Orealia, they connect from top to bottom & they also learned that there was a package all about P.U.R.R.S., having Marco, Sherya, Rubye with a Robot to join Emmie, Jay, Marc & Captain Orealia & Emmie notices a package from P.U.R.R.S. but the lasers are at the door & Captain Orealia states that they connect from top to bottom, horizontally. Emmie explains their plan & states that the Robot could go underneath the lasers & get the package & Rubye states that they can use the program to get the package. With a clap on the count of 3, the Robot grabs the package & everyone learns from the package that P.U.R.R.S. was also known as the Pussycat Underground Rather Rotten Society, Shreya opens the package & the plans for the Pussycat Underground Rather Rotten Society was to Get Milk, Get Tuna & Take over the world, causing the kids to leave & Captain Orealia to stay behind, she contacts Fred & Việt on what's up, as she hears a loud bang on the door, prompting Captain Orealia to scan the area for a loud bang from where it's coming from, she turns on thermal vision & finds 5 kidnapped people & states that she's found all 5 kidnapped chefs & Captain Orealia realizing that 5 people were in there, she smashes the door open & finds Chefs Andrew Kirschner, Mario Pagan, Mary Dumont, Duskie Estes & Maneet Chauhan with ties. Talking to the kidnapped chefs, Captain Orealia was able to get more evidence proving that every chef was kidnapped 1 by 1 & got netted by a pair of Cats & tooken to P.U.R.R.S. & locked in shut. As Captain Orealia helped the chefs out, some of P.U.R.R.S.' goons found Captain Orealia freeing the Chefs, Causing Captain Orealia to move the chefs to safety, while Captain Orealia takes down the goons. She eventually subdues the goons with her attacks & knocks them out unconsius. She then orders the 5 kidnapped chefs that it's safe to come out & they notice that those 5 Chefs were kidnapped by some of P.U.R.R.S. goons. Causing Captain Orealia to reveal her identity at the Orealia Lair, after Captain Orealia leaves the goons of P.U.R.R.S. for the Police, declaring them Under Arrest by her.

Orealia Lair (November 9, 2010) (6:58 pm)

At the Orealia Lair that evening, Sandra Orealia with the aid of Việt Dzũng & Fred Davis, tells the chefs about their kidnappings & they learn from the 5 Chefs that Tom & Trixie were behind this. Sandra decides that they're only one thing to do at this point, Captain Orealia, the Iron Chefs, Việt Dzũng & Fred Davis must work together & team up with the kidnapped 5 Next Iron Chef Contestants & stop a Cat Zombie invasion by tomorrow.

Studio G/Game Show Island (November 10, 2010) (10:58 am)

The next day, Captain Orealia spied on the 6 kids through her speedboat & sees the 6 Kids taking a picture with the Golden Fetchie & only to see a cat taking the Golden Fetchie to the unknown location prompting Captain Orealia to place a tracking device on the Fetchie & get to Studio G. 15 Minutes later, Captain Orealia hears the conversation between Ruff Ruffman & his Fetchers, Sherya gets 4 Tickets to Codzilla, which prompted Captain Orealia to notice that it was an unlikely location for P.U.R.R.S.' Headquarters, she hears Ruff talking to Grandma Ruffman all about the Golden Fetchie is not just a statue, it's a brainwashing device & also stating that anyone who watches Go Get It! today, They will have a much bigger audience than Ruff Ruffman & everyone is going to think they’re cats. Causing everyone to go in shock. Glenn Ruffman & Blossom got the coordinates & the reading on the Hygrometer, stating that P.U.R.R.S.' Headquarters is surround by water. Causing the Fetchers to go to P.U.R.R.S.' Headquarters with the fabulous 4 Game Show Relics through Ruff's Orders. Captain Orealia uses her RC Boomerang to track P.U.R.R.S.' Headquarters to Water Country in Portsmouth, New Hampshire & flies their from the Orealia Jet after she orders Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto to go find Ruff's boss, Henry in FETCH's Show's Building.

Water Country (November 10, 2010) (12:07 pm)

Arriving at Water Country, The Fetchers, enter the water park, Ruff chats with them, stating that this is the Season 5 Fetch Grand Finale, will have elimination rounds to determine who is the new FETCH grand champion & the Fetchers also learn that if they don't reach P.U.R.R.S.' Headquarters & find the Golden Fetchie brainwashing device, the entire world will be turn into Cat Zombies & states that cats hate getting wet also & also learns that P.U.R.R.S.' Headquarters is protected by invisible force field security walls & the first one was near a pool of plastic sharks. Which caused Glenn to try to deactivate the force fields with his computer know how, but it doesn't work. At the same time Captain Orealia was telling the chefs the plan to stop P.U.R.R.S. from taking over the world. After Glenn fails to take down the force fields, Grandma Ruffman convinces Ruff to have the Fetchers use the clapperboard as part of the Fabulous 4 Game Show Relics & using them to break through any force field & make a nifty finale competition, while he's at it. Ruff orders the Fetchers to put the clapperboard on the cat scratching post near the bottom of the dive boggan slide so they can have a race to the clapperboard. With Marco in 6th plae & Jay in 5th, the two went head to head in Elimination Round No. 1, The slide race spectacular. Ruff explains the details & starts the race, Marco took the green slide & Jay took the pink slide with Jay winning & Marco catching up with him, they slide down the dive boggan & Marco & Jay run, but Marco jumps over the plastic shark with Jay right behind him & tripping & seeing Marco clap the clapperboard first & deaactivating the first force field. With the first force field down, Captain Orealia has to wait until all of the force fields are down to crash in to P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters. Grandma Ruffman tells Ruff that if he sends Jay away, he'll be put in danger, as Glenn Ruffman finds another force field near the Tahiti Treehouse & they decide to use the Timer to deactivate the force field. So they head to the Tahiti Treehouse & Ruff reminds Marc & Marco that when the the fabulous 4 timer, gets turned over, each of them will have to find 15 cups. Blue cups for Marc, Red cups for Marco & their cup tower has to stand for 3 seconds & the 2nd round of elimination begins & they get their 15 cups & they begin stacking & Marc finishes but his tower falls & Marco beats Marc & the 2nd force field was down & Captain Orealia ejects from the Orealia Jet after she puts it on Auto-Pilot & prepares to crash into P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters & has Việt Dzũng call the police for P.U.R.R.S.' members all around New England for their demise & capture.

P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters (November 10, 2010) (12:35 pm)

Crashing into P.U.R.R.S., Captain Orealia discovers that P.U.R.R.S.' has a studio inside & demands to have Tom & Trixie's last location, but interupts & looks from her Portable monitor on the screen. At Ruff's house, Tom & Trixie enter Ruff's House & explains that the Golden Fetchie Brainwashing device will go off as soon as Go Get It airs & states that the off button can't be pressed with Human hands causing it to shock a person, so they were assigned to build a projectile launching device to hit that off button & test their devices on the force plate. Captain Orealia continues on hidden, behind the set. Moments later, after they built their launching devices Emmie & Marco test their device first & then Rubye & Sherya. As Rubye & Shreya get 9 & 13 newtons, while Emmie & Marco get 32 & 36 newtons, causing Emmie & Marco to win the round & the other Fetchers to begin congratulating them, the Go Get It theme song plays & Ruff hears it & then orders Marco & Emmie to use their device & hit the off button, causing the button to get hit & Go Get It to stop airing, Everyone celebrates & Tom & Trixie commends Ruff, before Tom thinked that everyone was cats, causing Ruff to think about who were Tom & Trixie & then at the exact moment, Tom & Trixie were revealed to be Wink & Dianh Ruffman, who are Undercover Spies who are Undercover for P.U.R.R.S. & stating that they were taking over the world & having the time to have the help of their son & his Fetchers. As Ruff begins to hug his parents, Captain Orealia told Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto to hack the Henry Hotline & tell Ruff to find his FETCH Grand Champion & Ruff begins the final round, while Captain Orealia learned that Tom & Trixie was actually Wink & Dinah Ruffman & noticed that the Ruffmans were committing crimes for 5 years while still living a normal life. Captain Orealia has no choice but to stop the Ruffmans, so she ordered Iron Chef Bobby Flay to get her in the Orealiamobile & go after the actual crooks.

FETCH! Headquarters (November 10, 2010) (1:32 pm)

Captain Orealia starts stealing things & Henry notices Captain Orealia, so he orders Ruf Rufman, Uncle MacRuffmantosh & Scruff Ruffman to get Captain Orealia, causing her to run to the Orealiamobile & drive away, The Ruffmans chase her in their van equipped with a missle to take her down, the missle launches, but the Orealiamobile avoids the missle by using it's Jump Jacks & then ramming their van causing it to crash with the Ruffman clan on a Market Baskets. Captain Orealia starts interrogating the Ruffmans for information about who's behind this & they state that they're working for Hearth, under their unknown leader's orders to take over the world. Unknown to the Ruffmans, a news reporter filmed the entire interaction & the Ruffmans retreated to Ruff's House by 7 PM.

Ruff Ruffman’s House (November 10, 2010) (6:58 pm)

At Ruff's House, Blossom was sweeping the confeti, after they crowned their FETCH Grand Champion, Marco. Ruff explains what does this does to his Father & Wink explains that it was the Golden Microphone, it will make any singing voice sound great & then Ruff sings his show's farewell song & after he did it, his father tells him that it's actually broken, before the other Ruffmans crash into his house & shows that Captain Orealia has gone rogue, but the news reporters & the world confirm that the Ruffman Family along with their show: FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman was behind this evil plot, revealing to the world that they are working for Hearth. Causing the Ruffmans to get to Ruffman Manor, before Captain Orealia crashed in to Ruff's House with Iron Chefs Bobby Flay, Masaharu Morimoto, Cat Cora & Jose Garces along with the 6 kids, Emmie, Jay Marc, Marco, Shreya & Rubye & Chefs Andrew Kirschner, Mario Pagan, Mary Dumont, Duskie Estes & Maneet Chauhan & stating that Maneet Chauhan should've gone to Las Vegas if Forgione or any other chef was eliminated. As Ruff tells his Fetchers that they should be on a Hot-Air Balloon Ride like they were told, but they had plans to defeat the Ruffmans once and for all with help from the Iron Chefs & Captain Orealia. then Cat Cora & Masaharu Morimoto crash down & Wink & Dinah offer them a hug, but the Iron Chefs start attacking with Captain Orealia. The Iron Chefs (minus Michael Symon) & Captain Orealia fight the Ruffmans with help from the eliminated Next Iron Chef Contestants & Emmie, Rubye, Shreya, Jay, Marc & Marco along the way. Iron Chef Morimoto with help from Maneet Chauhan takes down Wink Ruffman, while Iron Chef Cora takes down Dinah Ruffman with the help of Mary Dumont & Bobby Flay fights Ruff Ruffman.

Ruff Ruffman’s House (Outside) (November 10, 2010) (7:20 pm)

The Ruffmans were defeated & loaded up into seperate Prisoner Transporters & thanks to the effort, they are sent to Jail along with Blossom & Chet. The Iron Chefs, Kids & eliminated Next Iron Chef Contestants all watch what happened earlier in Las Vegas & seeing what was going on earlier in Vegas. Alton Brown explains to the chefs & Chef Caswell gets ousted from The Next Iron Chef competition, after Alton stated that he had a solid story & no real highpoints on the plate & several of the items actually worked against each other. The Judges had all 3 comments to Chefs Tsai, Tio & Forgione. Michael Symon spoke to Chef Tsai about his Ribs that were mushy, Donatella Aparia spoke to Chef Tio all about her Gnudi & Simon Majumdar to Chef Forgione about tasting the Veal Cheeks & all 3 chefs are put on the bottom of the Judges list, causing Alton to be in a difficult position with a hung jury, meaning that all 3 survive to cook again & stating that the next challenge will be a double elimination, meaning that he can only take 2 people to Kitchen Stadium. Everyone was shocked, so Sandra orders the Iron Chefs to go with a few victories by the Challenger Chefs, while Sandra deals with John Kealerson with the aid of Billy Jackson & Scarlett Orealia for the last 2 races without FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman on her hood of the No. 86 HTB/Miss America Toyota, as the episode ends in Las Vegas with Ming Tsai, Celina Tio, Marc Forgione & Marco Canora crossing their arms preparing for this next challenge on the Next Iron Chef.


Michelle Trachenberg - Sandra Orealia/Captain Orealia
Bobby Flay - Bobby Flay
Masaharu Morimoto - Masaharu Morimoto 
Cat Cora - Cat Cora
Michael Symon - Michael Symon/Symon Boy
Jose Garces - Jose Garces
Alton Brown - Alton Brown
Simon Majumdar - Simon Majumdar
Donatella Aparia - Donatella Aparia
Stephen Hope-Wynne - Fred Davis
Owen Wilson - Officer Conrad
Tim Allen - Police Orderly
John Morris - John Kealerson
Việt Dzững - Việt Dzững
Chris Tallman - Private Investigator Joe
Sandra Bullock - Private Investigator Michelle 
Jim Conroy - Ruff Ruffman/Grandma Ruffman/Glenn Ruffman/Wink Ruffman/Tom/Dianh Ruffman/Trixie/Uncle MacRuffman Tosh/Scruff Ruffman/Rüf Ruffman
Emmie Atwood - Emmie Atwood
Rubye Peyser - Rubye Peyser
Shreya Viswanathan - Shreya Viswanathan
Marc Prophet - Marc Prophet 
Marco Frongilo - Marco Frongilo
Jay Ricco - Jay Ricco
Landon Arnold - Finn Conman
Andrew Kirschner - Andrew Kirschner
Mario Pagan - Mario Pagan
Mary Dumont - Mary Dumont
Duskie Estes - Duskie Estes
Maneet Chauhan - Maneet Chauhan
Bryan Caswell - Bryan Caswell
Celina Tio - Celina Tio
Ming Tsai - Ming Tsai
Marco Canora - Marco Canora
Marc Forgione - Marc Forgione
Rosa Blasi - Police Officer
Melissa Joan Hart - Claire Gilbert


Fantasy Sequence Intro

Narrator: In the last episode, after winning at Texas on Saturday & Sunday, Sandra Orealia fell into a booby-trapped Phone Booth that has knockout powder in it & Orealia was asleep, when knocked out.
Tom: Go Get It! Yeah! With Tom & Trixie! Someone want to tell me why we get the dogs singing?
Ruff Ruffman: I detest Go Get It!
Chefs: Help us! We’re kidnapped! Someone Save Us!
Andrew Kirschner: Where could Captain Orealia be?!
(Tom & Trixie appears)

Fort Worth Police Department (November 8, 2010) (4:37 am)

Narrator: But at the Fort Worth Police Station, Sandra wakes up from her nightmare.
(Sandra Orealia groans)
Sandra Orealia: Oh, God!
Police Officer: Are you awake, yet, Young Lady?
Sandra Orealia: Where am I? & what happened to me? & where’s Chauhan & Davis?
Police Officer: What are you talking about?
(Sandra Gasps)
Sandra Orealia: Where am I? & what happened to Maneet Chauhan? & where’s Fred Davis?
Police Officer: Where are you? You’re at the Police Department. 1. We’ve noticed you’ve trying to call Maneet Chauhan, before you were attacked by a Phone with Knockout Powder & fainted & 2. Chauhan was kidnapped, see the news, Young Lady.
Sandra Orealia: “Chauhan, Eliminated & kidnapped from Next Iron Chef Competition, Chopped Judge missing after being kidnapped by Cats!” If Forgione or any other chef were disqualified then Chef Chauhan would’ve continued on in the competition & headed to Las Vegas.
Police Officer: That’s true, Young Lady. What’s your name?
Sandra Orealia: Sandra Jennifer Orealia, NASCAR Driver & friend to Maneet Chauhan since April 2010, my Lawyer is Fredrick “Fred” Davis. Did you know his number?
Police Officer: Yes. We know his number & we told him you are here & he’s coming to pick you up from us & take you home. You’re from Las Vegas, Nevada, residing in New York City, New York, Right?
Sandra Orealia: Yes. I was born in Las Vegas & I live in New York City & I’m still going to compete for the Sprint Cup Series Championship & the Nationwide Series Championship in the same year. Gonna win for both.
Police Officer: Don’t worry. We’ll bail you out. Sooner than later.
Narrator: But then the Orderly came in & told the officer that Sandra is being sent back to New York.
(Door Opens & Orderly comes in)
Police Officer: One moment.
Police Orderly: Officer Conrad, Orealia’s being bailed out & released. Superintendent says she’s a liability. Those crooks knew what they did to her. Her lawyer, Fred Davis is here to collect her, Since she’s a NASCAR Driver.
Officer Conrad: Seems you have a visitor, Sandra. Your Lawyer & your Friend..
Narrator: It was true, Sandra has Fred Davis come to see her when she was in shocked.
(Fred Davis hands Police Paperwork)
Sandra Orealia: Freddie!
Fred Davis: Sandra Ma’am, Thank heavens you’re alright. You see everything’s in order. She is to be released & sent back to New York, immediately under our care. She’s competing for the rest of 2010.
Officer Conrad: What happened with that Booby-trapped Phone Booth, whatever you do, Sandra. Don’t let the Booby Traps get you.
Sandra Orealia: Officer Conrad, I can handle myself.
Officer Conrad: You will, with aid.
Sandra Orealia: Let’s go, Freddie. Back to New York City.
Narrator: & on the way out of the Fort Worth Police Station. Criminals spoke to Sandra angrily.
Crook: We’re coming for you, Sandra! Just you wait!
Fred Davis: What was that about?
Narrator: & Sandra & Fred left for New York.

New York City (November 8, 2010) (3:02 pm)

Narrator: & that afternoon in New York at 3:02 pm, Fred was concerned about Go Get It!.
Fred Davis: I can’t believe that Tom & Trixie are kidnapping Andrew, Mario, Mary, Duskie & Maneet. Is this some kidnapping trick?
Sandra Orealia: I don’t believe it. I know you’ll join our team to stop the hosts of Go Get It!, it’s the only way to catch our culprits who kidnapped 5 chefs, including Chef Chauhan.
Fred Davis: It’s a good thing the family lawyers, including myself were able to get you out of Fort Worth so quickly & It took me 1 & a 1/2 hours to fly to you in a average plane & 2 & a 1/2 to fly back to New York in your private jet.
Sandra Orealia: No kidding. Captain Orealia’s got some crime to fight.
Narrator: Then Sandra gets a Call from John Kealerson & then answers it.
(Phone Rings & Sandra Orealia answers it)
Sandra Orealia: Hello, John.
John Kealerson: I know you won at Texas, but you’re 5th & I’m 1st in the Cup Standings, Orealia Brat!
Sandra Orealia: Why are you talking, John?
John Kealerson: Your rival Billy Jackson is 2nd by 27 points over me. It will be John hoisting the Sprint Cup over you & Jennifer Jo Cobb, You Sister & Their Bossman.
Sandra Orealia: I had a prank on a phone, John. After I won & spent 3 hours at a Police Station.
John Kealerson: 3 hours? What was the deal with that? A Lady being sent to Las Vegas after you have won at Texas? I don’t believe it! You’re nuts!
Sandra Orealia: Yeah. For the NASCAR Awards Banquet on December 3rd.
John Kealerson: Poor Naive Woman, who’s sponsor will celebrate 90 years in 2011 & has a bad platform sponsor as a Bank Takeovers & who’s primary sponsor is PBS Kids!
Sandra Orealia: Not even Points Leader for a week & you want to win over BJ?
John Kealerson: Yeah! I’m just tired of Brats like you & that’s that! I will beat BJ & then you for a good purpose, really & your sister. Sandra? Sandra!
Sandra Orealia: We’re done talking, John. Nice try.
Narrator: So Sandra hangs up John & then still feels the symptoms from the powder that was from Fort Worth.
(Sandra hangs up Phone)

Orealia Lair (November 9, 2010) (7:32 am)

Narrator: Later at the Orealia Lair, She still feels the symptoms.
Sandra Orealia: I’m fine, okay? I just need to get to the computer.
Fred Davis: You’re exhausted. & the influence against that Knockout powder in Fort Worth may still be affecting you.
Cat Cora: You’re in no condition to work. The effects of the knockout from that phone must a caused you to faint at Texas after you won. You need rest.
Sandra Orealia: Go Get It! is behind the Next Iron Chef kidnappings, John Kealerson is leading the Cup Series, 27 points over BJ & we need to find Tom & Trixie before they kidnap more chefs! I can’t just ignore it!
Fred Davis: Cat Cora’s correct. You can’t work like this. You absolutely must get some rest.
Sandra Orealia: Then help me. Feels like the whole lair is coming down on me.
Cat Cora: Of course we’ll help. Let’s start by addressing the problem at hand.
Việt Dzững: Sandra, I heard you’ve won at Texas for Maneet Chauhan, but you look awful.
Fred Davis: She’s had a prank, after she won Texas, Việt.
Sandra Orealia: You’re right, you’re right. Let’s focus on getting myself cured first. Bring up everything all we know about Go Get It!.
Việt Dzững: I’m on it.
Sandra Orealia: If we can find help from around Massachusetts we can catch Go Get It!, but first I have to cure myself. Here’s the Drive.
Cat Cora: Right. I’ll make the preparations.
Fred Davis: Let’s start with the DNA scans.
Sandra Orealia: This is my DNA from the booby-trapped phone at Texas. It turns out that the knockout caused a reaction in some DNA’s & luckily the Orealia Computer is equipped to create a counter agent from that powder.
Việt Dzững: You know. I was the one who redesigned that Computer, Sandra. I, along with Mark Ecko redesign/update your firesuits for next season if you win some races or go for it without a win. You win each year for Miss America in Cup & Iron Chef & Hannah Montana in Nationwide.
Sandra Orealia: I get it, Việt Dzững.
Narrator: So they make a anti-dote for the powder & then it was finished.
(Computer Dings & Latch opens)
Sandra Orealia: Okay, this needs to be injected to work.
Fred Davis: I don’t imagine it’ll be much fun.
(Sandra injects Antidote & returns to normal)
Cat Cora: Hopefully that does the trick.
Sandra Orealia: Feel better already. All cured.
Việt Dzững: Hope none of that comes back to effect Sandra, since she’s Indestructible.
Sandra Orealia: So how do we stop Go Get It! from kidnapping/conning people?
Cat Cora: You have to get help from the same PI’s, who found you when both of your parents died when you were about 12 years old. They’re names are Joe & Michelle.
Sandra Orealia: I wish that I’ve could’ve saved the 5 chefs sooner than later if they weren’t conned. We should ask Joe & Michelle & tell them all about Kirschner, Pagan, Dumont, Estes & Chauhan.
Việt Dzững: Shouldn’t be too tough to locate them.
(Computer Chirps)
Sandra Orealia: Got ‘em, at the Brockton Public Library.
Việt Dzững: Sandra, before you head out, I’ve got something for you. It’s called the Laser Powder Gun, point it at lasers & the powder will reveal any lasers in any Direction.
Sandra Orealia: Perfect. Thank you, Việt Dzững.
Việt Dzững: Thank you. Least I can do after you invited me to work for Captain Orealia again.
Cat Cora: Sandra?
Sandra Orealia: Yeah?
Cat Cora: If you do find Joe & Michelle, please be careful.
Narrator: & then Captain Orealia drives to the Brockton Public Library.
(Orealiamobile drives out)

Brockton Public Library (November 9, 2010) (9:56 am)

Narrator: Later at the Library, Captain Orealia enters.
(Doors Open)
Captain Orealia: I’m at the Brockton Public Library & I don’t see Joe & Michelle, the 2 Private Investigators. I need to find them. Got ‘em. Upstairs, I must walk.
Narrator: At the office of Joe & Michelle...
Joe: I can’t believe that Chefs Kirschner, Pagan, Dumont, Estes & Chauhan are kidnapped by Cats. I wonder if Captain Orealia stops those Cats.
Captain Orealia: I can try, Joe & Michelle.
Joe & Michelle: Captain Orealia.
Michelle: Good Morning, Captain Orealia.
Captain Orealia: Good morning, Joe & Michelle. I need your help on finding Tom & Trixie for kidnapping 5 Chefs. Can you help me?
Joe: Why yes we can. We’ll help you find those 5 Chefs. I think I see kids coming. Get Ready, Captain Orealia. We’ll do that, later.
Jay Ricco: Hey! Are you Joe? & Are you Michelle?
Joe: Why yes we are. & you must be the Fetchers who were sent to us by Ruff.
(All talking at once)
Joe: We are Private Investigators & he sent you to us, because he needs our help. So today we’re going to spend a little time telling you & show you what Private Investigators do & we have someone here.
Jay Ricco: What’s she doing here?
Joe: Captain Orealia will help you today. She’ll help with this.
Michelle: I’m sure you’ve been to a Library before. & you know this is a great place to start our research.
Narrator: So while Michelle & the kids are doing that, Captain contacts Việt for help.
Captain Orealia: Việt, what do you know about Go Get It!, since we need help!
Việt Dzững: You’ll need to learn how to trail someone from P.U.R.R.S., Captain.
Captain Orealia: Got it. If I find a P.U.R.R.S. Member somehow. I’ll be in touch, if I find all 5 chefs, from them.
Michelle: This is a microfilm machine. Every newspaper that’s been printed has been scanned & photographed & put on this film, so we can look up events in history. Can anybody give me an idea of something we can look up?
Marco Frongilo: Maybe like when the man first walked on the moon?
Michelle: That’s great. Does anyone have any idea when that might have happened?
Marco Frongilo: 1969?
Michelle: Very good. Let’s go find that microfilm.
Captain Orealia: I don’t know what is happening, Việt. But I hope that works.
(Minutes later)
Narrator: Later on that day...
Joe: The main thing we do is we talk to people, we have to learn what people know. Can anyone here tell me how you would know what a person is telling the truth or whether they’re not?
Rubye Peyser: I know sometimes when a person is lying they will sometimes turn red or smile or not make eye contact with you or look around or fidget.
Michelle: Oftentimes, when someone’s lying to you they will look to their left like this. They will take a defensive posture & cross their arms or legs, they will do things that would be considered fidgeting & they’ll start to talk really, really fast.
Joe: I think what we’re going to do now is we’re going to show you what that looks like. Michelle & I are going to do a little bit of an interview here.
Captain Orealia: I’m going out, until you’re done.
Joe: Good thinking, Captain.
Captain Orealia: Việt, Fred, you there?
Fred Davis: We're here, Sandra. What's up?
Captain Orealia: I need to know why Chefs Kirschner, Pagan, Dumont, Estes & Chauhan were kidnapped by Tom & Trixie. I know the Butler didn’t do it. So who was playing Tom & Trixie?
Việt Dzững: I should know who was it, If you find all 5 chefs, with help . Wait, there’s more. When you have found all 5. Let us know, Sandra & oh if you can find out who did, then I’ll be pleased.
Captain Orealia: Got it. I’ll keep you updated. I think they’re done now, so I’ll call you later.
Việt Dzững: Call you later, too, Sandra.
Joe: Very well done. Very well done.
(Phone Rings)
Emmie Atwood: Oh, Guys. It’s Ruff. I’ll put on speaker.
Ruff Ruffman: Hey, Fetchers.
All: Hey, Ruff.
Ruff Ruffman: I’m doing some awesome detective work.
All: Yeah.
Ruff Ruffman: I need you to head down to the microfilm lab & look up the day My Parents disappeared. I think that’s a good place to start.
(Moments later)
Narrator: So they headed to the Microfilm lab & find Ruff's Birth Year.
Jay Ricco: So when was the year Ruff was born?
Captain Orealia: 1978.
Marc Prophet: Bingo, Captain.
Narrator: So once the microfilm was brought to the microfilm machine.
Jay Ricco: Marco, We have the microfilm.
(All talking at once)
Narrator: So they look into the Microfilm until they found something.
Rubye Peyser: Oh, wait. Go back.
(All talking at once)
Emmie Atwood: Disappearance of famous game show hosts baffles Police.
Shreya Viswanathan: Marco, print it out.
Emmie Atwood: I got it.
Marc Prophet: “A nationwide search is underway for famous game show hosts Wink & Dinah Ruffman, who have not been seen or heard from since Tuesday. Family & friends are baffled by the mystery & say that it is out of character for them to leave behind their two puppies Ruff & Scruff. Police say they are confused by a small card. Ruff was found holding in his paw.”
All: That says P.U.R.R.S.
Captain Orealia: P.U.R.R.S.? They have it at the end of every Go Get It! episode.
(Phone Rings)
Marc Prophet: Hey, Ruff.
Ruff Ruffman: Guys! Guys, the P.U.R.R.S. logo is at the end of every Go Get It! episode. So somehow Go Get It! has something to do with my missing parents. Now we need to think like a detective, Unfortunately in this case it’s a Cat Detective. But, anyway, I need the 3 of you to figure out how to program & operate a robot assistant. Just like Tabby Tabitha, Since this mission could be dangerous & I’ll need 3 of you to learn how to spy on someone.
Rubye Peyser: Let’s go.
(All talking at once)
Joe: So you 3, go there. You 3 come with me.
(All talking at once)
Captain Orealia: Wait for me!

Brockton Streets (November 9, 2010) (12:02 am)

Narrator: Later on at the streets of Brockton, Captain Orealia, was in a SUV wirh Joe, Emmie, Jay & Marc.
Captain Orealia: Right, Việt, Cat & Freddie. Here we go.
Joe: What we’re going to do now is called Surveillance & that’s when you’re following & documenting all their activities.
Captain Orealia: Good to hear.
Emmie Atwood: So we’re trying to see if she’s telling the truth?
Joe: That is correct. We’re just gonna observe him.
Emmie Atwood: & is he okay with that?
Joe: Well, He’s not going to know that.
Emmie Atwood: Oh It’s like spying.
Captain Orealia: Việt, anything on Gunther?
Việt Dzững: Is he P.U.R.R.S., Sandra?
Captain Orealia: No way, Việt. He’s working for someone else.
Joe: Now our job is to find a place to park where we’re going to be able to see what goes on. & now all we do is sit & wait.
(Minutes later)
Narrator: But later, they found him.
Captain Orealia: Found him.
Joe: I think our subject is coming. There he is right hand there.
Captain Orealia: Let’s Go!
Joe: Now see right now, he’s in front of a suite. He wouldn’t notice us.
Emmie Atwood: So where do you think he’s going?
Joe: He could be going anywhere. We don’t know this is our job not to lose him. Often look like for you are turning. We will just pull here & we’ll see what he does & what is he doing now. Oh, look at him.
Captain Orealia: To the Coffee Shop.
Jay Ricco: Busted.
Marc Prophet: He’s so Busted.
Joe: I think you’re absolutely right, In this case, He’s not being completely honest.
Jay Ricco: Nice job, Guys!
Captain Orealia: Back to the Library, Guys. After I deal with Gunther.

Brockton Public Library (November 9, 2010) (1:05 pm)

Narrator: Later at the Library...
Emmie Atwood: Awesome.
(All talking at once)
(Phone Rings)
Rubye Peyser: Hello?
Ruff Ruffman: Hey, Fetchers. It’s Ruff.
(All talking at once)
Ruff Ruffman: Listen. Blossom & I have a plan, we’re running a fake Help Wanted ad, saying that we’re looking for a new Fetcher. We’re sure that somebody from P.U.R.R.S. is going to apply for the job, because they’ll want to steal our ideas.
All: Okay.
Ruff Ruffman: You guys have to interview the people who respond to the ad & figure out who’s working for P.U.R.R.S., We’re faxing the ad over to you now. So, Go Get It!, Oh! I mean just go to the fax machine, please.
Narrator: & moments later...
Shreya Viswanathan: Is it the ad?
Joe: Ruff has put an ad in the newspaper.
Emmie Atwood: Awesome!
Shreya Viswanathan: “This job will require handling top-secret information about future FETCH! episodes. Absolutely, Positively. Anyone who’s ready to Go Get It need not apply.
Marc Prophet: Oh, reverse psychology.
All: Yeah!
Joe: You’re gonna have to do some interviewing.
Rubye Peyser: Great. Let’s go.
Narrator: & they interviewed 3 kids.
(Minutes later)
Shreya Viswanathan: Hi.
Kid Girl: Hello.
Rubye Peyser: Could you tell us your first name, Please?
Kid Girl: Annie.
Rubye Peyser: What’s your information on FETCH!?
Annie: I’ve never seen an episode of FETCH!.
Rubye Peyser: What prior experience you had?
Annie: I have worked with my mom at School.
Shreya Viswanathan: Have you ever heard of the show: Go Get It!?
Annie: I have not.
Kid Boy 1: I’m Finn, I kind of want to get this job specifically So I can work for um… Ruff Ruffman. I’m pretty big fan. He’s a pretty cool guy.
Shreya Viswanathan: So have you had any experience before this?
Finn: I actually haven’t worked for any TV shows before this.
Marco Frongilo: Have you ever heard of the show: Go Get It!?
Finn: No.
Kid Boy 2: Chris.
Marco Frongilo: Have you heard of the show FETCH!?
Chris: Yes I watched the show.
Rubye Peyser: Have you heard of the show: Go Get It!?
Chris: No.
Narrator: So Joe & Michelle spoke to the kids.
Joe: What do you think wasn’t telling the truth?
Rubye Peyser: I think it was Finn, because he looked left & he was sort of picking at his fingers. He does say that he’s a big fan of FETCH! which may throw me off a little bit.
Marco Frongilo: If someone from Go Get It! were to come in, they would be told to look happy, that would make us think… yeah this guy’s pretty much FETCH! such as nothing if you want.
Shreya Viswanathan: I’m kind of more leaning towards Finn, Because Finn looked left a lot.
Marco Frongilo: I’m kind of actually leading towards Finn now.
Shreya Viswanathan: Yeah.
Joe: So all in agreement that Finn might be our guy. You have to bring Finn back & you’re going to hire him. Doing some of the other Fetchers to trail him to see if what he does now.
Shreya Viswanathan: It was a unanimous decision that you were the best for the job.
Rubye Peyser: Congratulations.
Finn: Thank You!
Rubye Peyser: We will be in touch.
Finn: Cool.
(All talking at once)
Captain Orealia: Việt, Finn’s been nailed. What do you know about him? He works for P.U.R.R.S., Việt.
Việt Dzững: Let me look Finn of P.U.R.R.S. up now. He’s known as Finn Conman for P.U.R.R.S. who secretly delivers messages for P.U.R.R.S.
Captain Orealia: Time to trail Conman.
Narrator: So the kids & Captain Orealia follow him.
(Finn walks out)
Captain Orealia: Let’s follow him, Kids.

Brockton Streets (November 9, 2010) (1:58 pm)

Narrator: They followed his trail & then noticed building for P.U.R.R.S.
Captain Orealia: Việt, the tracking device I placed on Finn will help us follow on where’s he going.
Việt Dzững: Where’s he going?
Captain Orealia: Following him now. Finn must be trying to get a message to P.U.R.R.S.
Marc Prophet: It looks like it’s some sort of an office building.
Captain Orealia: Go in! Now!

Brockton Mayor’s Office (November 9, 2010) (2:10 pm)

Captain Orealia: One of you, get in the Elevator.
(All talking at once)
Narrator: So Captain Orealia asked Marc to follow the kid.
Captain Orealia: Good luck, Marc.
Emmie Atwood: Marc’s coming back down.
(All talking at once)
Marc Prophet: He got on the 3rd floor.
Captain Orealia: Come on, Everyone.
Emmie Atwood: 2, 3
All: 3A!
Emmie Atwood: P.U.R.R.S.!
Captain Orealia: Go! Go! Go!
Emmie Atwood: Guys! Guys! Check it out! P.U.R.R.S. Can you read what it says, Captain Orealia?
Captain Orealia: Caution. Protected by powerful laser beams. No Entry. Finn turned off the laser beams, dropped off the package & turned ‘em back on.
Emmie Atwood: Don’t go in there.
Captain Orealia: That’s right, Emmie, this is a job for me my Laser-powder Gun.
Jay Ricco: Good point, Captain.
Captain Orealia: Stand back!
(Powder dispenses from Laser-powder Gun)
Captain Orealia: Found ‘em. They connect from top to bottom, Horizontally.
Emmie Atwood: Good one, Captain. Check it out. That could give us more information about P.U.R.R.S. But how do we get it?
Marc Prophet: The other team.
(All talking at once)
Emmie Atwood: We can use that to go underneath the lasers. Yeah. Here they are.
Shreya Viswanathan: What’s up, You Guys?
Emmie Atwood: There’s this little package in that room that will give us more information about P.U.R.R.S., But there are lasers.
Captain Orealia: We’ve checked where the lasers are & they connect Horizontally from Top to Bottom. Let’s use the Robot.
Emmie Atwood: So the Robot could go underneath, grab the package.
Rubye Peyser: I think it would work if we use the same program.
Captain Orealia: Right. Here goes.
Narrator: So they used the Robot to deal with this situtation.
All: 1, 2, 3!
(All clap at once)
Shreya Viswanathan: Guys, I think this is going to work.
(All cheer)
Shreya Viswanathan: Let’s read what it says. It says…
All: Pussycat Underground Rather Rotten Society?!
Captain Orealia: Let’s see what it is!
(All talking at once)
Captain Orealia: It’s a list.
Shreya Viswanathan: Get Milk, Get Tuna, Take over the World?!
Captain Orealia: Oh, Boy!
Shreya Viswanathan: Guys, Let’s get out of here!
Captain Orealia: I’ll stay behind. Thanks, Kids, for your help. Viet, Fred, You there?
Việt Dzững: We’re here in New York, Sandra. What’s up?
(Loud bang)
Captain Orealia: Việt, Fred? I think someone’s here. Alive. I’m going to look for a heat signature. If anyone else is in P.U.R.R.S., I’ll find those chefs.
Narrator: Realizing that there were people in the building, Captain Orealia turned on her thermal vision & noticed something in the wood Door.
(Turns on thermal vision)
Việt Dzững: Anything?
Captain Orealia: Yes. They’re in there. I’ve found all 5 chefs. They’re all alive. Time to break it open.
Narrator: So with 1 smash from her foot, the Door was open & there were the 5 kidnapped & eliminated Next Iron Chef Contestants.
(Loud smash to Door)
Captain Orealia: It’s okay. I’m here for you 5. I’m not going to hurt you.
Fred Davis: Sandra Ma’am, is everything alright?
Captain Orealia: Those chefs, Fred. They’re alive, but with ties. I’m summoning the Big Jet to take ‘em to the Orealia Lair in New York to my location. They seem okay & they might tell me what happened to them.
Việt Dzững: Possibly… but if that’s the road you go down, please do it with caution.
Captain Orealia: Hey it’s going to be okay. You 5 are going to be alright.
Maneet Chauhan: You think so?
Captain Orealia: Tell me what happened to you 5, Chefs.
Andrew Kirschner: We were kidnapped 1 by 1 & got netted by a Cat or 2.
Captain Orealia: & then?
Mario Pagan: & when we were kidnapped 1 by 1, we were tooken to P.U.R.R.S.
Mary Dumont: & the Door…
Duskie Estes: slammed…
Maneet Chauhan: shut!
Captain Orealia: See, that does help me. Thank you.
Narrator: But then members of P.U.R.R.S. got in & saw Captain Orealia chatting with the 5 Chefs.
P.U.R.R.S. Gang Member: There’s the intruder! Get her!
Captain Orealia: Take Cover! I’ve got this!
P.U.R.R.S. Gang Member: Don’t just stand there! Get her!
P.U.R.R.S. Gang Members: Charge!!!!
Narrator: The Fight ranged cleanly & Captain Orealia knocked out each thug & freed the Chefs.
Captain Orealia: That will teach P.U.R.R.S. a lesson. It’s safe to come out now!
Maneet Chauhan: Are those the crooks who kidnapped us?
Captain Orealia: Yes. Are you okay, Chefs?
All: We’re all okay.
Captain Orealia: Sandra Orealia will talk to you in the Orealia Lair & she’s going to talk to you with her allies. I’m taking you to safety & I called the police to the Brockton Mayor’s Office for the 4 crooks who work for P.U.R.R.S. They’re under arrest.

Orealia Lair (November 9, 2010) (6:58 pm)

Narrator: Later on at the Orealia Lair in New York...
Sandra Orealia: So why did the Pussycat Underground Rather Rotten Society’s Members kidnap you with Tom & Trixie as the brains?
Maneet Chauhan: We were missing for 5 weeks & It was Tom & Trixie who abducted us.
Sandra, Việt & Fred: Tom & Trixie from Go Get It!?!
Andrew Kirschner: Yes.
Sandra Orealia: Chef Chauhan, Since I won at Texas on November 7th & sent you to Las Vegas on December 3rd, We’ll need you & the eliminated Chefs.
Maneet Chauhan: What gives, Sandra? The woman who sent me to Vegas on December 3rd.
Sandra Orealia: The world thinks that there’s a Cat Zombie invasion. So, Tomorrow we’ll find out what they’re up to. I’m talking about P.U.R.R.S. here. & stop them.
Maneet Chauhan: So the world’s in danger?
Sandra Orealia: Yes, Due to P.U.R.R.S.
Maneet Chauhan: Tomorrow, we’re going to save the world!
Chefs: Yes, Chefs!
Narrator: The plan was set for the 5 eliminated Chefs.

Studio G/Game Show Island (November 10, 2010) (10:58 am)

Narrator: The Next Day at Game Show Island, Captain Orealia watched in her boat.
Ruff Ruffman: Rubye, please take a picture of my Pirates.
Rubye Peyser: Gotchya.
Narrator: But then... Things turned worse.
Glen Ruffman: Um, Uncle Ruff? I don’t believe now is the right time to take a picture.
Captain Orealia: I don’t know what’s going on! But is Tom & Trixie the chef’s own kidnapper or it is P.U.R.R.S.? & they’re grabbing the Golden Fetchie! Tracking Device on that thing! It’s being taken! Oh, No! Tracking Device is on Golden Fetchie!
Rubye Peyser: Those Go Get It! Cats!
Captain Orealia: Got to get to Studio G’s outside & look!
(15 Minutes later)
Narrator: Later at Studio G...
Captain Orealia: The kids are coming back into Studio G now. & sitting down. What is going on here?
(All talking at once)
Ruff Ruffman: Blossom & Glen are getting a fix on the Fetchie’s tracking signal & when they have it, I am sending you back out.
Emmie Atwood: Awesome.
Việt Dzững: What is going on in there, Sandra? The location being revealed yet?
Captain Orealia: I don’t know. I need to find out & see why P.U.R.R.S. Is behind this. By trying to find P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters. Is it somewhere in New England? I need to find out where.
Shreya Viswanathan: 4 tickets to Codzilla?
Captain Orealia: Codzilla? Seems unlikely to be a location for P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters. No offense to be a location. I need to know what it actually is.
Ruff Ruffman: That’s weird. Just a minute, Guys. 1 of the rotary phones is ringing.
All: Pick it up.
Ruff Ruffman: Hello?
Grandma Ruffman: Ruff, it’s your grandma. I’m using this phone, in case your other one’s a bugged.
Ruff Ruffman: Bugged? You mean someone might be listening?
Grandma Ruffman: I hate to get you involved in this. After all you’re just a game show host. But your parents clearly believe in you or else they wouldn’t have you get the fabulous 4.
Ruff Ruffman: Grandma, what are you talking about? What is going on this season?
Grandma Ruffman: The Golden Fetchie isn’t just a statue, it’s a brainwashing device! P.U.R.R.S. is going to use it during the Go Get It! season finale.
Ruff Ruffman: But that means…
Grandma Ruffman: Yes. Everyone who watches Go Get It!, today & they have a much bigger audience than you.
Ruff Ruffman: I know! What’s going to happen to them, Grandma?!
Grandma Ruffman: Well, all the viewers are going to think they’re cats!
All: What?
Grandma Ruffman: & that’s how P.U.R.R.S. is going to take over the world! (Crying)
Glen Ruffman: Uncle Ruff, we’ve got the coordinates & we’ve got the reading on the Hygrometer.
Shreya Viswanathan: The what?
Ruff Ruffman: The what? What’s a Hygrometer?
Glen Ruffman: A moisture detector, obviously! & according to the Hygrometer, P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters is surrounded by water!
Ruff Ruffman: What?!
Rubye Peyser: That makes no sense!
Ruff Ruffman: Alright, Fetchers! This just got a little deeper. Blossom, send the coordinates to the Fetchers! Guys, new instructions are in the mailbox & bring the wagon with you.
Grandma Ruffman: & don’t forget the fabulous 4.
Ruff Ruffman: You know the stakes here, Fetchers! So go get that Fetchie & Go FETCH!
(All talking)
Ruff Ruffman: Go, Guys! Go! Go! Go!
Narrator: Captain Orealia heads towards the Roof Top of the house & then finds the location of P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters.
Captain Orealia: I need to know where P.U.R.R.S. location is, It’s not Game Show Island or Codzilla, but it is surrounded by lots of water! Bingo! Going to Water Country in New Hampshire. Iron Chef Cora & Morimoto, Go find Ruff’s Boss & Iron Chef Morimoto, use a spoon to deal with Henry.
Masaharu Morimoto: Got it, Captain.
(Grapples to Orealia Jet)
Captain Orealia: & use a wooden spoon & that’s all.
Narrator: So Captain Orealia headed towards Water Country in New Hampshire.

Water Country (November 10, 2010) (12:07 pm)

Narrator: But later, the kids were there first.
Glen Ruffman: Uncle Ruff, they’ve reached the location!
Ruff Ruffman: Ooh! There they are. But where are they? Water Country? P.U.R.R.S. is hitting theirs Go Get It! Studio P Headquarters in a water park?
Glen Ruffman: Uncle Ruff, a water park is the perfect hiding place for P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters.
Ruff Ruffman: Fetchers, Hi!
All: Hey, Ruff.
Ruff Ruffman: Here’s the deal, this is the FETCH! Season 5 grand finale, we’re gonna have a series of elimination rounds, Today. That will determine who is going to be crowned the new FETCH! grand champion.
(All talking at once & cheering)
Ruff Ruffman: But if we don’t reach P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters & find the Golden Fetchie brainwashing device, the entire world is going to be turned into mindless Cat Zombies! Now Cats hate getting wet & that’s why P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters is hidden in water park. It’s the last place anybody would look. So we’ve got the Headquarters on our radar. What, Blossom? P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters is protected by invisible force field security walls & the first one’s near a pool of Sharks! Oh! Oh! Oh! Wait they’re plastic.
Glen Ruffman: Don’t worry, Uncle Ruff, I’ll deactivate the walls remotely using my incredible computer know how.
Ruff Ruffman: That’s great. So have you done it yet?
Glen Ruffman: No.
Ruff Ruffman: How about now?
Glen Ruffman: Uncle Ruff, Give me a minute.
(Orealia Jet flies)
Narrator: In the skies, Captain Orealis discusses this with the chefs.
Captain Orealia: Ok! Everyone know the plan?
Chefs: Yes, Captain Orealia.
Captain Orealia: Good! Let’s go save the world!
Narrator: & then there was failure for Glenn Ruffman.
Glen Ruffman: I can’t deactivate the force fields!
Grandma Ruffman: Ruff, it’s your Grandma. Have ‘em use the clapper board, Dear! 
Ruff Ruffman: The clapper board?
Grandma Ruffman: It’s one of the fabulous 4 game show relics & secret spy equipment pieces.
Ruff Ruffman: Wait, I can use the stuff from Game Show Island to break into P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters?
Grandma Ruffman: The fabulous 4 Game Show Island relics have the power to break through any force field & you can also use them to make a pretty nifty finale competition while you’re at it. Just a suggestion.
Ruff Ruffman: Okay! According to our radar, there’s a cat scratching post near the bottom of the dive boggan slide. Put the fabulous 4 clapper board on the scratching post. We’re gonna have a race to the clapper board. Marco, Jay, since you’re in 6th & 5th place, the 2 of you are going head to head in Elimination Round No. 1, The slide race spectacular.
(All talking at once)
Ruff Ruffman: The 2 of you must race to the triple giant slides, Plummet down the dive boggan, Jump the ferocious Sharks & clap the clapper board. The first to clap the clapper board will not only move on to the next round, they’ll hopefully deactivate the first force field. On your marks, Get set! Go!
(All cheering)
Ruff Ruffman: There they go. Up the triple slide! Marco: Green & Jay: Pink. Oh, they’re both flying! Looks like Jay’s winning. But wait. Wait. Marco’s catching up! Jay & Marco are on the dive boggan & down the stretch they come. This is going to be close, People. There’s the plastic Shark. Marco’s jumping over it! Jay’s right behind him & it’s going to be…
(Marco claps the clapper board)
Ruff Ruffman: Marco!
Captain Orealia: 1 force field down! 1 to go! We’ll stop P.U.R.R.S. for harassing those Chefs! For good! Right, Chefs?
Andrew Kirschner: We’ll do our best, Captain Orealia!
Maneet Chauhan: Got it, Captain!
(All talking at once)
Grandma Ruffman: Ruff dear, you can just send Jay away!
Ruff Ruffman: I can’t?
Grandma Ruffman: There’s no telling what Cat spies are lurking nearby, You’d be putting Jay in danger.
Jay Ricco: Yay, I get to stay!
Glen Ruffman: Uncle Ruff, I have found another force field. It’s near the Tahiti Treehouse.
Ruff Ruffman: Whoa! What do we do now?
Glen Ruffman: I don’t know. But we have to hurry! Times are ticking!
Ruff Ruffman: That’s it! We’ll use the fabulous 4 timer to deactivate the force field. Let’s go! There’s no time to waste! Come on, Guys!
Captain Orealia: They’re moving now to the Tahiti Treehouse. Go Get It, Kids!
Ruff Ruffman: That amazing waterfall is part of Elimination Round No. 2.
(All cheering)
Ruff Ruffman: Marc, Marco, when the fabulous 4 timer, gets turned over, each of you will have to find 15 cups. Blue cups for Marc, Red cups for Marco. The first one to stack their 15 cups into a pyramid on 1 of those tables, before the timer runs out will be the winner & move on to Elimination Round No. 3 & 1 more thing your cup tower needs to stand for at least 3 seconds.
Marco Frongilo: Alright, Ruff.
Ruff Ruffman: Then, Ready…, Set…, Go!!!
(All cheering)
Ruff Ruffman: They’ve already found some cups.
Shreya Viswanathan: Yeah, Marc!
Ruff Ruffman: Marc, better be careful. Oh! Look out, Gentlemen! Marco has one more cup to find. How’s Marc doing?! How many does he have?!
Marco Frongilo: 14!
Ruff Ruffman: Oh, you only need 1 more! So does Marco!
Marco Frongilo: There it is! I got it!
Ruff Ruffman: He’s got 15. He can begin stacking! Now Marc has found his cup. We are dead even, People! & here comes the waterfall. Now they begin the building process!
(All cheering)
Ruff Ruffman: Marco’s going, Ooh, but Marc is very fast, he only needs a few more! 1, 2… No! Oh, no! It didn’t stand for 3 seconds! Now Marco’s tower is almost done! Will his hold? 1, 2, 3!!! Marco wins!
Glen Ruffman: & look, Uncle Ruff! The 2nd force field is down!
(Glen cheers)
Captain Orealia: All the force fields are down! I’m heading into P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters, I’ll turn on Auto Pilot for this Aircraft, Chefs. You control the plane & don’t touch anything.
Chefs: Got it!
Narrator: So Captain Orealia flies out of the jet, & contacts Việt Dzũng for the police.
(Captain Orealia ejects from Orealia Jet & deploys Jetpack)
Captain Orealia: I see a way in, Việt. Blowing in through the roof & crashing in!
Việt Dzũng: Got it, Sandra! I’ll call the police to Water Country & for P.U.R.R.S.’ Members.
Captain Orealia: For P.U.R.R.S.’ demise & capture!
Narrator: & when Captain Orealia got in quickly...

P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters (November 10, 2010) (12:35 pm)

Captain Orealia: Ok. We’re in P.U.R.R.S. Headquarters. Now to find Tom & Trixie.
Shreya Viswanathan: It says Studio P!
Jay Ricco: It’s Crazy!
Ruff Ruffman: Studio P? Studio P.U.R.R.S., They copied my studio except they made it Pink!
Captain Orealia: I need Tom & Trixie’s last location! Oh, Wait! Look, Việt!
(Door knocking)
Ruff Ruffman: Hey! Someone’s knocking on my door! (Gasps) Tom & Trixie from Go Get It!, what are you doing here? Chet, don’t try to get their autographs.
Tom: There’s no time to explain! We’re here to help!
Ruff Ruffman: Oh, really? Hey, Fetchers! Look who just infiltrated my Dog House!
Emmie Atwood: Ruff, are they okay? 
Ruff Ruffman: I don’t know.
Tom: You’ve gotta trust us. Look up there on the wall.
Ruff Ruffman: The Golden Fetchie Brainwashing device!
Tom: The Golden Fetchie’s gonna go off as soon as Go Get It! airs & that’s just minutes away. Kids, You see that big button with the X?
Tom: That’s an off button. But you can’t press it with your hands, cause you’ll get shocked. There’s Electricity running through it!
Ruff Ruffman: Oh, No!
Tom: Guys, you’ll have to build a projectile launching device! You need to shoot something at that Off Button!
Ruff Ruffman: Wait a minute! What are they going to build their devices with?
Tom: Look, there’s 2 bins over by the bookshelf. You should have all the materials you need & behind the picture of the “Grand Champion”, there’s a force plate. Test your devices on that.
Captain Orealia: We need to keep those kids safe from P.U.R.R.S.
(Moments later)
Narrator: Once the devices were made, it was time to test.
Ruff Ruffman: Okay. Both teams have successfully designed & built a projectile launching device. We will now test those devices for force & accuracy. Each team gets 2 tries against the force plate.
Emmie Atwood: It looks like this measures the force in something called: Newtons.
Ruff Ruffman: The team with the most powerful launching device, will then knockout the Golden Fetchie brainwasher & save the world! Our champions will then move on to the Grand Grilling. Blue Team, You’re up. The fate of millions is in your hands.
Emmie Atwood: Everyone, take cover!
Ruff Ruffman: No pressure.
Emmie Atwood: Nice. 32 Newtons.
Ruff Ruffman: 2nd attempt.
Emmie Atwood: Loading.
Ruff Ruffman: Woah!
All: 36!
Ruff Ruffman: Now we will reset for the Pink Team.
Emmie Atwood: Okay!
Marco Frongilo: Go!
Ruff Ruffman: What happened?
Marco Frongilo: 9.
Emmie Atwood: 9.
Ruff Ruffman: Attempt No. 2.
Marco Frongilo: 13.
Ruff Ruffman: Woah! They only got 13! But that means with a reading of 36 Newtons, Team Blue, Marco & Emmie! You have won the round.
Narrator: But then Go Get It! was about to start.
(Go Get It! Theme Song plays)
Tom: Life was full and we were down. A ball of yarn was all UNWOUND!…
Ruff Ruffman: AAH! Go Get It! is starting! Quick, Marco & Emmie! Use your device! Hit the off button!
Captain Orealia: So long, Go Get It!!!
Narrator: The Button get hits & the Show was stopped & so was the brainwashing device.
(Button gets hit & Music Stops)
(All cheering)
Ruff Ruffman: Yes! You did it! Yes!
Trixie: Oh! That’s great! You saved us all from a terrible fate!
Tom: Yeah! Can you imagine, All of us thinking we’re cats?
Captain Orealia: Let’s see who Tom & Trixie really are!
Ruff Ruffman: But you guys are Cats?
Captain Orealia: I don’t want to look, Việt!!! 
Tom: Are we?
Trixie: What Tom’s trying to say is…
Wink Ruffman: We’re actually your Parents!
All: What?
Wink Ruffman: Hello, Son.
Ruff Ruffman: Mom? Pop? I’m so confused!
Grandma Ruffman: Well it’s simple, Ruffie! Your parents are spies!
Wink Ruffman: Recruited to work undercover at P.U.R.R.S., when we learned their master plan to turn the world into Cat Zombies, We had to contact you.
Dinah Ruffman: We knew when the time came. We would need the help of you & your Fetchers.
Wink Ruffman: So what do you say? How about a hug for your old man?
Captain Orealia: Oh, brother! Iron Chef Morimoto, Call Ruff on the Red Henry Hotline, Now!
Masaharu Morimoto: Got it, Sandra! Time to hack the Henry Hotline, Now!
Ruff Ruffman: (Crying) Dad, I wanted this for so long! Mom, my… Woah. Wait a minute. Hang on it’s the Henry Hotline. It’s my boss. Yes, Henry? Am I going to find a FETCH! Grand Champion? Well you bet I am! Well. Sorry, Mom & Dad. It’s time for me to get to the final round.
Narrator: Captain Orealia was shocked that the Ruffmans were commiting crimes in the USA for years, while still trying to live a normal life. So she was shocked.
Captain Orealia: The Ruffmans we’re evil to make sure that I’m destroyed & are responsible for abducting Chefs Kirschner, Pagan, Dumont, Estes & Chauhan & FETCH! is a bad show to destroy Iron Chef America & the Chairman’s Iron Chefs in the USA. I have to stop the Ruffmans! Iron Chef Flay, meet me at the Ruffman’s location!
Bobby Flay: My pleasure!
Narrator: & being a true hero, she headed towards FETCH! Headquarters.

FETCH! Headquarters (November 10, 2010) (1:32 pm)

Narrator: But later at the headquarters, The Ruffmans were alarmed.
(Orealia starts stealing things)
Henry: It’s Captain Orealia! It’s her! Get her, Ruffmans!
Uncle MacRuffmantosh: What the heck?
Ruf Rufman: Time for you to raise the Flag, Captain! You’re doomed!
Captain Orealia: No, Ruffmans! You’re badies! Go & get me! Whoo-hoo!
Narrator: & Captain Orealia headed towards the Orealiamobile with Bobby driving!
Scruff Ruffman: Get her! & Iron Chef will be history!
Bobby Flay: Get in, Captain!
(Orealiamobile drives away fast)
Bobby Flay: Iron Chefs & Captain Orealia vs. Ruffmans & the Ruffmans will be arrested!
Ruf Rufman: Captain Orealia & her friends will be history & we’ll take over the USA!
Bobby Flay: Those Ruffmans will not have a chance to win!
Captain Orealia: Time to make ‘em talk after we crash ‘em!
Ruffmans: Charge!!!
Captain Orealia: Jump!
Narrator: Using her quick speed, Captain Orealia avoids the Ruffman's Ram.
(Orealiamobile Jumps)
Captain Orealia: Blam! Now you’re… doomed!
Narrator: & with one ram back...
Narrator: The Ruffmans crashed into a Market with them in Market baskets!!
Captain Orealia: That should teach ‘em! Now to make the Ruffmans talk!
Ruf Rufman: Ok! You got us! Why are we here?!
Captain Orealia: Because, We are making you answer! Tell us why you conned & kidnapped Andrew, Mario, Mary, Duskie & Maneet!
Uncle MacRuffmantosh: Listen! Don’t kill us! We’ll tell you anything!
Captain Orealia: Maybe! We don’t kill people!
Bobby Flay: Better tell us, Ruffmans! This has been too long!
Captain Orealia: Tell us now!!
Scruff Ruffman: Listen, We’re crooks who are working for Hearth. We’re following our master’s orders to take over the world! & that’s all! You’ll never know who our boss is!
Captain Orealia: I thought Go Get It! is behind the kidnappings on The Next Iron Chef! Reporter, Did you get all that?
New England News Reporter: Every word!
Uncle MacRuffmantosh: To Ruff’s house & Quick! All Ruffmans there! Now! By 7:00 pm!
Narrator: The Ruffmans headed to the house by car at 7:00 pm

Ruff Ruffman’s House (November 10, 2010) (6:58 pm)

Narrator: But later at the house, after naming the Final winner of FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman...
Ruff Ruffman: I just have one question. What does this do?
Wink Ruffman: Ah, the Golden Microphone. It makes any singing voice sound great. Have at it, Son!
Ruff Ruffman: 🎵Our fun has just begun. But it’s time to say: goodbye! From all the Ruffman clan, We’re signing off, but it is tough! Just remember your canine friend: Ruff!!🎵 Wow! That made me sound great! Didn’t it?
Wink Ruffman: Uh, Actually I think it’s broken.
(Door crashes open)
Ruf Rufman: Captain Orealia! She’s gone rogue! Look at the news on the FETCH 3000!
New England News Reporter: & with this new evidence, the Ruffmans & FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman have been unmasked to be Andrew Kirschner, Mario Pagan, Mary Dumont, Duskie Estes & Maneet Chauhan’s kidnappers.
Citizen: Booo! The Ruffmans are bad people, alongside FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman for 5 years! Booo!
Ruff Ruffman: Oh well, it was nice while it lasted for us all.
Dinah Ruffman: We have to retreat! Now to Ruffman Manor!
Bobby Flay: Just the right place for Rottweilers like you, Ruffmans!
Cat Cora: The only place you’re going is up the river!
Ruff Ruffman: & what?
Captain Orealia: She deserved to go to Las Vegas & win The Next Iron Chef, Ruffmans!
Narrator: The Orealiamobile rammed the wall & crashes in with the 6 Kids, 5 kidnapped Chefs & Captain Orealia herself, along with Bobby Flay.
(Orealiamobile crashes through Wall)
Jay Ricco: You’re busted, Ruffmans!
Ruff Ruffman: Shouldn’t you be on a Hot-Air Balloon Ride, Fetchers?
Marco Frongilo: Wrong, Ruff! We came to your house to arrest the Ruffman Family! The party’s over!
Emmie Atwood: Yeah! We are placing you all Under Arrest! All 14 of you are going to Jail!!
Narrator: Then Iron Chef Morimoto & Iron Chef Cora crashed down into the house.
(Masaharu Morimoto & Cat Cora crash down)
Wink Ruffman: Er… I don’t suppose you’d consider a hug from us?
Masaharu & Cat: Attack!!
Narrator: & the battle raged angrily against the Ruffmans!!
(Masaharu Morimoto & Cat Cora start punching Wink & Dinah Ruffman)
Ruff Ruffman: GRR!
All: Woah!
Andrew Kirschner: That’s it! Time for payback to the Dogs who kidnapped us!
Mary Dumont: Payback coming your way, Ruffmans!
Andrew Kirschner: Seems Iron Chef Morimoto could use our help fighting Wink Ruffman.
Duskie Estes: Let’s help him!
Wink Ruffman: Take this, Iron Chef Morimoto!
Maneet Chauhan: I’ll help you, Iron Chef Morimoto!
Masaharu Morimoto: Yes, Ma’am!
Narrator: Wink may be strong, but with help from Maneet Chauhan, He was no match for Iron Chef Morimoto spin attack.
Duskie Estes: You got Wink, Maneet! Look there, Chefs!
Dinah Ruffman: We’re making you history, Iron Chefs!
Cat Cora: You’ve been trying to terrorize all along, Dinah! You’re going to Jail!
Dinah Ruffman: You’re dead, Iron Chefs! We are winning!
Mary Dumont: Party’s over, Ruffman!!
Narrator: & also, Dinah may be tough, but she is no match with Mary Dumont & Cat Cora.
Narrator: & then Bobby Flay vs Ruff Ruffman.
Maneet Chauhan: There’s Bobby Flay!
Mario Pagan: Flay… Okay?
Bobby Flay: Those Ruffmans are in hot water now! We’re not going to lose! Now, Ruff! You vs. Iron Chef! I say you’re going down!

Ruff Ruffman’s House (Outside) (November 10, 2010) (7:20 pm)

Narrator: With the Ruffmans, Blossom & Chet overpowered. They were loaded into Prisoner Transporters.
(Captain Orealia, Bobby Flay, Masaharu Morimoto, Cat Cora & Jose Garces load Ruffmans into Prison Transports)
Captain Orealia: Go get the FETCH! 3000 & GO GET IT! 6000’s while we load up the Trucks, Iron Chef Garces.
Jose Garces: Got it, Captain.
Scruff Ruffman: You can’t do this to us, Freaks!
Uncle MacRuffmantosh: You cannot!
(Prison Transport Doors closes)
Captain Orealia: Yes we can, Ruffmans! Officers, Send the Ruffman Clan straight to Prison Walls!
Police Officer: Yes, Ma’am!
(Prison Transports start driving away)
Ruff Ruffman: No, you can’t! You don’t understand!
Glen Ruffman: You should be racing for FETCH!
Grandma Ruffman: Nooooooo!
Dinah Ruffman: You’ll pay for this, Captain Orealia!
Wink Ruffman: We’re coming for you! Mark our words!!
Narrator: & with the Ruffmans found out by the FBI & Police, 2 gangs were both down, leaving only Hearth left.
Emmie Atwood: Awesome! Hey, we won!
Captain Orealia: Yep. Over the Ruffmans, Emmie. Now time to find out what happened in Las Vegas, Nevada, Earlier on The Next Iron Chef.
(Plays footage)
Alton Brown: Chefs, the Judges had a daunting task. They were charged with a double elimination, which was not a simple thing to do. But that is the darker chore at hand. Chef Caswell, The Judges felt across the board that you had a solid story with your Gulf Buffet & looking over the courses, they felt that there were no real high points on the Plate & that, quite frankly, several of the items actually worked against each other. Chef Caswell, I’m sorry you will not be The Next Iron Chef.
Bryan Caswell: Thank you very much for the opportunity.
Donatella Aparia: Thank you, Chef Caswell.
Michael Symon: Thank you, Chef.
Bryan Caswell: All Right. Thanks, Guys.
Marco Frongilo: What is going on there?
Captain Orealia: It’s a Double Elimination. I think. Chauhan should’ve gone to Las Vegas, if Marc Forgione would’ve been sent home last week.
Alton Brown: Each of the Judges have some comments that they’d like to make before we continue with the elimination. Iron Chef.
Michael Symon: Chef Tsai, I think your Buffet creation was inspired. In that inspiration, though, there were some major technique flaws. The Pineapple with the Ribs made it extremely pasty & mushy. So because of the inconsistencies in your Dishes, today you were at the bottom of my list.
Captain Orealia: What is going on there?
Alton Brown: Donatella.
Donatella Aparia: Chef Tio, for me, you know I did have a problem with the Gnudi, but also conceptually, um, there was a lot of white on your plate. Texturally I had some issues & I think all the Judges agree that you’re the most consistent, technically, but you keep underwhelming us. For those reasons, you were at the bottom of my list.
Simon Majumdar: Chef Forgione, I doubt that you would have sent the Veal Cheek out in your own Restaurant, because you’d tasted it & I question whether you tasted it. & for that real rookie, basic mistake, you were at the bottom of my list today.
Rubye Peyser: What is going on in Las Vegas, Captain?
Captain Orealia: You’ll see.
Alton Brown: & so I’m in a difficult position, because I have these ballots that represent a hung jury.
Marc, Marco, Emmie: A hung jury?
Captain Orealia: What hung jury? Tied?
Alton Brown: So here’s the deal.
Rubye Peyser: Is it Caswell & Tsai eliminated?
Captain Orealia: I don’t think so.
Alton Brown: All 3 of you survive to cook another day.
Captain Orealia: False Alert! No double elimination.
Alton Brown: Next time, I can only take 2 people to Kitchen Stadium. The next challenge will be a Double Elimination. Thank You.
Donatella Aparia: Good luck, Chefs.
Marc Forgione: Thank you.
Celina Tio: Thank you.
Captain Orealia: Oh no! This is a hung jury for Forgione, Tio & Tsai. Who survive to cook again.
Marc Prophet: Uh-oh!
Jay Ricco: What for?
Emmie Atwood: You’ll see, Jay.
Captain Orealia: That’s right, Emmie. Now, kids, you can help Sandra save her Sister & her teammate, Billy Jackson, for the last 2 races in the Sprint Cup Series in 2010. & Iron Chefs, let the Challenger Chefs win over the Iron Chefs for 2 weeks.
Iron Chefs: Got it.
Rubye Peyser: How do we do this? Are we going to stop our crook after your friend deals with John Kealerson?
Emmie Atwood: Yeah, Captain.
Captain Orealia: Yes. We will find our culprit behind the Next Iron Chef kidnappings, after Sandra comes for JK. Sandra is coming for you, John Kealerson.
Narrator: What is Hearth? & who is the leader of that group? Will Captain Orealia save The Next Iron Chef with 1 gang remaining? Stay tuned for the ultimate answer!!
(Episode ends with a close up of Ming Tsai, Celina Tio, Marc Forgione & Marco Canora crossing their arms in Las Vegas)

End of Episode Dedication

Sandra Orealia: This episode was dedicated to long-time Wheel of Fortune Announcer, Charlie O'Donnell. It was nice knowing you, Charlie.


Written by: Lawrence Johnson
Teleplay by: Micha Snodderly, Paul Serafini & Eytan Keller
Produced by: Micha Snodderly & Eytan Keller
Directed by: Paul Serafini, Eytan Keller & Raf Wathion

Airdate: November 11, 2010

Friday, November 8, 2024

Sandra Orealia: Hearth of Takeover - Episode 3 - The Unfathomable & Winning Way (Updated)

Episode 3 of Sandra Orealia - Hearth of Takeover - The Unfathomable & Winning Way


Captain Orealia must find out who was responsible for the missing chefs, while trying to save The Next Iron Chef competition, but she was distracted by the investigation, while Sandra Orealia tries to win at Texas for Maneet Chauhan who wanted to go to Las Vegas.


Boston General Hospital (October 26, 2010) (11:57 pm)

A day after Sandra finished 14th in Martinsville, Sandra visits Steve & Denise in the Hospital with some Flowers & telled them that Sandra will run FETCH for the rest of the 2010 Sprint Cup Season, in light of Go Get It behind the Next Iron Chef Kidnappings & also told Steve & Denise that her fellow competitior, Billy Jackson won at Martinsville & criticized Marc Vetri in Victory Lane. As Steve & Denise explained that their parents are fans of Sandra Orealia since 2008, Orealia was rushed away to Los Angeles for an emergency & Steve & Denise will see Sandra at Homestead in November.

Next Iron Chef (Inside) (October 26, 2010) (9:58 am)

Simon Majumdar & Donatella Aparia wait for Captain Orealia & in a miracle, Captain Orealia appears, Simon introduces himself & then Donatella Aparia & tell them that they'll need their help on the Next Iron Chef kidnapping situation & says that she'll help as Captain Orealia contacts Cat Cora for her to find them. Cat Cora patched Việt Dzững through, who informed Captain Orealia of the upgrades and how to use them. Orealia, Aparia, Majumdar all head to the Del Mar Fairgrounds for the Chairman's Challenge.

Del Mar Fairgrounds (October 26, 2010) (12:01 pm)

Alton begins the 8th Chairman's Challenge & the Chefs start grabbing things along with Maneet Chauhan & while the cooking was happening, Captain Orealia, Donatella Aparia & Simon Majumdar with Michael Symon explain everything as Captain Orealia notices the producers are watching Go Get It! & Captain Orealia orders the producers to turn the show off & confiscates the Go Get It things from them & takes them as evidence & then leaves the fair for ASIA Entertainment after she tells Alton to continue on with the Chairman's Challenge.

California Highways on the way to ASIA Entertainment (October 26, 2010) (12:09 pm)

Taking it to be observed, Sandra Orealia explains to Cat Cora all about Go Get It & passes it on to Việt Dzững and arranges to meet her in the afternoon at ASIA Entertainment's Building in Westminster.

ASIA Entertainment (October 26, 2010) (12:33 pm)

Sandra arrived at ASIA Entertainment, finding Nam Lộc in the front office of the building & tells Nam Lộc all about her plans with Việt Dzững about her next race at Talladega & Nam knows that Sandra races for Miss America in Cup & Iron Chef America & Hannah Montana in Nationwide. Before Sandra entered the private bathroom & using a hidden elevator in the wall, made her way to the Orealia Tech Lair.

Orealia Tech Lair (October 26, 2010) (12:36 pm)

Meeting with Việt Dzững, he shows concern about the possibility that the Next Iron Chef competition is in danger for the 2nd year in a row, for the past 3 weeks. They then look at the method that Go Get It is behind the kidnappings. Suspecting that Go Get It is behind the kidnappings on Chefs Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont, they decide to patch the Orealiacomputer as well, Sandra sent a message to Alton telling him to continue on with the Chairman's Search for The Next Iron Chef & make sure that no one gets kidnapped. Dzững also provided Sandra with a number of new gadgets he had prepared, including a new mask with infra-red vision and a new form of sticky bomb. Sandra collects some gadget upgrades for her tech and hides it. & noticing the 8th Chairman's Challenge has ended, Việt gives her a drive to find out what is happening on The Next Iron Chef & then exits the Orealia Tech Lair.

ASIA Entertainment (October 26, 2010) (1:30 pm)

When Sandra exits the Orealia Tech Lair, she talks with Nam Lộc & then leaves the offices & meets Việt outside the front door.

ASIA Entertainment (Outside) (October 26, 2010) (1:33 pm)

When Sandra & Việt meet, they discuss the effects on The Next Iron Chef kidnappings, as well as how much power Go Get It! if they kidnapped everyone & Sandra says to come work for Captain Orealia & then Việt goes in to the Orealia Tech Lair & packs everything for New York for Captain Orealia & attending Thanksgiving in Potomac, Maryland on November 25th.

Sandra Orealia’s Motorhome at Talladega Superspeedway (October 29, 2010) (10:01 pm)

Later, Sandra Orealia & Cat Cora was in Talladega, watching a report all about her place in the Nationwide Series Standings & the Cup Series Standings. Comforted by Cat Cora, they decide to investigate the Next Iron Chef Kidnappings caused by Go Get It! & Sandra told Cat all about Kate Taylor & tell her on where to find Ruff's Parents & Cat told her that it went well & Cat Cora also won a Bourbon Battle & Sandra told her all about Duskie Estes' disappearence & they decide to get to work after Talladega.

Next Iron Chef (Inside) (November 4, 2010) (12:57 pm)

At the Next Iron Chef Building, The 10th Chairman's Challenge was about to begin & Alton gives the 6 remaining Chefs America & tells them all about a Field Trip before the elimination, Moments after the challenge was over, The 5 remaining chefs were about to go to Las Vegas. As the 5th Chef was about to be sent to Las Vegas, Chef Maneet Chauhan was eliminated & Marc Forgione was sent to Vegas, after Forgione leaves, Sandra Orealia walks in & notices that Maneet Chauhan was eliminated, by Alton Brown & she thought that she was going to Las Vegas to win. So Sandra speaks with Iron Chef Jose Garces & tells him that she'll go to Texas to win for Maneet Chauhan & send her there for December 3rd.

Texas Motor Speedway (November 7, 2010)

At Texas Motor Speedway, Orealia qualified 8th & her Crew Chief, Matt Andrews said that she wants to win for Maneet Chauhan & send her to Las Vegas for Champions Week on December 3rd. The Green Flag waves & the race is underway, through the race, Orealia & Kealerson fight for positions in the race & with 32 laps to go, Sandra & John pit, with John taking 4 Tires & Gas while Sandra took 2 Tires & gas, coming up to 1 to go, Sandra easily wins the race over John Kealerson in the No. 86 HTB/Miss America/Arthur Toyota. 

In Victory Lane, Orealia thanked her sponsors & celebrates her victory over John Kealerson & mentions that Chauhan should've gone to Las Vegas to win & mentions that if Maneet Chauhan was sent to Las Vegas to win the title of Iron Chef, then Forgione or any other chef would've been eliminated before continuing the celebration in Victory Lane at Texas.

Texas Motor Speedway (November 8, 2010) (1:05 am)

After the Race was over, Sandra tries to contact Maneet Chauhan on the phone, but gets caught in a trap by a booby-trapped Phone & Knockout powder & Sandra Orealia fainted & a Officer & Doctor take Sandra to the Infirmary due to some crooks.


Michelle Trachenberg - Sandra Orealia/Captain Orealia
Cat Cora - Cat Cora
Jose Garces - Jose Garces
Alton Brown - Alton Brown
Will Arnett - Matt Andrews
Simon Majumdar - Simon Majumdar
Donatella Aparia - Donatella Aparia
Sam Haskell - Sam Haskell
Derek Clayton - Derek Clayton
Việt Dzững - Việt Dzững
Nam Lộc - Nam Lộc
Jim Conroy - Ruff Ruffman/Tom
Kate Taylor - Kate Taylor
Duskie Estes - Duskie Estes
Maneet Chauhan - Maneet Chauhan
Bryan Caswell - Bryan Caswell
Celina Tio - Celina Tio
Ming Tsai - Ming Tsai
Marco Canora - Marco Canora
Marc Forgione - Marc Forgione
Marty Reid - Marty Reid
Dale Jarrett - Dale Jarrett
Dave Burns - Dave Burns
Jules De Jongh - Operator
Owen Wilson - Officer Conrad (Credited as Officer)
Sheryl Crow - Doctor


Boston General Hospital (October 26, 2010) (11:57 pm)

Narrator: At Boston General at almost at Midnight... Sandra Orealia came to visit at night.
Julie Chen: America is still under a rumored Cat Zombie Invasion & last week’s Wedding attack that had no guests killed.
Denise: Sandra, Nice of you to drop in. How was your race?
Sandra Orealia: It was wild. I’ve finished 14th after my sister finished 33rd on Sunday with a damaged car.
Steve: I know. Oh, what have you got there?
Sandra Orealia: I uh…I brought you some flowers. Though I see I’m not the last. I’m going to still run FETCH! for the rest of the 2010 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Season & I know my fellow competitor Billy Jackson won at Martinsville & criticized Marc Vetri in Victory Lane.
Denise: Yeah, Our parents are fans of you & the No. 86 HTB/Miss America/PBS Kids Toyota since your Rookie year in 2008.
Sandra Orealia: I know. Oh, it’s someone. I’ve got to go to California before my next race at Talladega. I would love to stay, but I’ve got to go to California & check on something. It’s personal.
Denise: We’ll tell you in Homestead in November & tell you what happened to us, when we’re out of the Hospital, when you make it to Homestead.
Sandra Orealia: Got it.

Next Iron Chef (Inside) (October 26, 2010) (9:58 am)

Narrator: At Los Angeles, in the building of the Next Iron Chef, Donatella Aparia & a UK Man are waiting for Captain Orealia.
Donatella Aparia: Captain Orealia should be coming & she should help protect the Eliminated Chefs, Simon. I hope she’ll try to do her best.
Simon Majumdar: Oh, she’s here. Hello, Captain Orealia, I’m Simon Majumdar & you already know Donatella Aparia.
Captain Orealia: I know what I need to do.
Donatella Aparia: We’re gonna need your help. Throughout Season 3 of The Next Iron Chef.
Simon Majumdar: Chef Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont are still missing.
Narrator: So Captain Orealia knew what she must do.
Captain Orealia: I’m on it. (Calls Cat Cora) You there, Iron Chef Cora?
Cat Cora: I’m here. What’s up?
Captain Orealia: I need some help. Is someone there? I need eyes on the competition.
Cat Cora: Việt has made some upgrades. I’ll let him explain in English.
Simon Majumdar: Who are you talking to? You’ve got a whole team or something?
Captain Orealia: A friend who can help us.
Donatella Aparia: That friend got a name?
Cat Cora: Alright, patching you through to Orealia Tech underneath ASIA Entertainment.
Việt Dzững: Captain Orealia. So listen… The first model was only equipped for Visual spying, but seeing how you used them at Ruffman Manor. I thought you’d need an audio feed as well. The microphones are incredibly sensitive… they can pick up sounds from up to 50,000 yards. In some cases you’ll even be able to hear through walls. Like X-ray hearing.
Captain Orealia: This is just what I needed. Thank you, Việt. 
Việt Dzững: Being one step ahead of Captain Orealia is kinda my job.
Captain Orealia: Time to head to the Chairman’s next Chairman’s Challenge. Where’s it at? 
Simon Majumdar: Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego, Where the Fair is there.
Captain Orealia: Going there now.
Narrator: So they headed to Southern Californian Fair in San Diego.

Del Mar Fairgrounds (October 26, 2010) (12:01 pm)

Narrator: & then at the Fair...
Alton Brown: So Let the Cooking… Begin!
(Everyone Grunting)
(Indistinct Conversation)
Marc Forgione: Hey, be careful when you’re chopping herbs & the wind blows, Dude. Jesus, Thank you, Mother Nature.
Alton Brown: Go!
(Maneet Chauhan grabbing things)
Duskie Estes: It’s great to work with butter in a hot environment.
Narrator: Captain Orealia, Donatella Aparia & Simon Majumdar speak about the kidnappings. But then...
Captain Orealia: Do you know why, Donatella & Simon?
Donatella Aparia: We don’t know, Captain Orealia.
Simon Majumdar: Is somebody watching Go Get It!? I think the producers of the Next Iron Chef are.
Narrator: They see the producers watching Go Get It!!
Tom: Go Get It! Yeah! With Tom & Trixie!
Captain Orealia: Turn that off.
Producers: What?! We’re not allowed to watch Go Get It!?
Captain Orealia: You’re not allowed to watch Go Get It!. You know better. I’m taking all of the Go Get It! things down for good! It’s evidence.
Narrator: Captain Orealia did as she could. Confiscated the evidence & took it to far away for investigating.
Alton Brown: Where are you going, Captain Orealia?
Captain Orealia: I’m going to look into this evidence. I’ll let you know what I find. You keep an eye out on the current Chairman’s challenge.

California Highways on the way to ASIA Entertainment (October 26, 2010) (12:09 pm)

Narrator: On the way from the Fair from Del Mar Fairgrounds, Captain talks with Cat.
Cat Cora: Sandra?
Captain Orealia: The Next Iron Chef’s been compromised. Go Get It was luring people to watch the show the whole time.
Cat Cora: How?
Captain Orealia: That’s what I’m going to find out. Iron Chef Cora, I’m uploading evidence to the Orealia Computer of some kind of poster I found at the fair.
Cat Cora: It’s up on my screen now. But I’m afraid it’s a promo poster.
Captain Orealia: I need to go to ASIA Entertainment in Westminster & look into this. Get me Việt Dzững on the line.
Cat Cora: Yes. Right away. If the public finds out Go Get It takes over the world. It’s doom, forever.
Captain Orealia: I’m not sure of anything right now, but Việt will have answers. I have a feeling we’ve seen the top of an Iceberg.
Cat Cora: Hopefully it doesn’t sink us, Ma’am. I have Việt Dzững on the line now.
Việt Dzững: Sandra, are you there? I’m looking at this evidence that Cat Cora sent me. It’s a copycat.
Captain Orealia: I have to know why Go Get It is kidnapping the eliminated Chefs. How fast can you find out?
Việt Dzững: It’s a tough one… But I should have it revealed soon, if you can meet me at ASIA Entertainment.
Captain Orealia: Already on my way.
Narrator: & Sandra drove to Asia Entertainment in Westminster with the Evidence.
(Orealiamobile drives fast)

ASIA Entertainment (October 26, 2010) (12:33 pm)

Narrator: Later on at ASIA Entertainment...
Sandra Orealia: Almost in there, Việt.
Việt Dzững: I’ll meet you down in the Orealia Tech lab. Some of the Go Get It! Cats are crooked.
Sandra Orealia: Great. Nam Lộc.
Nam Lộc: Sandra!
Sandra Orealia: MC, Nam Lộc.
Nam Lộc: How’s your day going? Is it going well?
Sandra Orealia: Yes it’s going well. I’ve finished 14th in Martinsville & I’m going to Talladega on Thursday. I’ve got a Cup Series & Nationwide Championship to talk about with your MC, Việt Dzững. I’m going for both this year against Billy Jackson.
Nam Lộc: I know, Sandra. You drive for Miss America in Cup & Iron Chef America & Hannah Montana in Nationwide. But what’s in your bag? Is it Files or Toys?
Sandra Orealia: Just Makeup & lots of things. Please don’t check it.
Nam Lộc: I won’t. Come find me when you’re finished with MC, Việt Dzững, Sandra. I’ll see you soon.
Narrator: So Sandra heads to her private office...
(Door Opens & Closes)
Sandra Orealia: I’ll be right down, Việt Dzững.
Narrator: & entered the Orealia Tech Lair through the secret entrance.
(Orealia opens Secret Entrance to secret Orealia Tech Lair & Door slides open)
(Elevator Door closes)
(Orealia scans her hand)
(Elevator descends to Orealia Tech Lair)

Orealia Tech Lair (October 26, 2010) (12:36 pm)

Narrator: At the Orealia Tech Lair, Sandra meets Việt again.
(Elevator Door opens)
Việt Dzững: Hello, Sandra, I know what is going on in The Chairman’s search for The Next Iron Chef for the 2nd year in a row.
Sandra Orealia: Hello, Việt Dzững. You’ve don’t even know what I’ve been doing as a race car driver & as Captain Orealia.
Việt Dzững: Hey, I’m looking out for you out on the track & as crime fighter as Captain Orealia. There’ve been news about The Next Iron Chef kidnappings throughout the past 3 weeks. If Go Get It! with Tom & Trixie take over the world, Captain Orealia won’t stand a chance. I’ve heard about that new Cat Game Show, but I’m not going to watch it. I know the Hero Lair is well equipped, but all this is Invested by ASIA Entertainment & Mark Ecko, who designed your firesuit for racing.
Sandra Orealia: I know you’ll try. But we’ll win over Go Get It!. Right now finding out how Go Get It! are kidnapping every Next Iron Chef competitor for Season 3 is more important. What have you got?
Việt Dzững: It’s Orealia Tech, Sandra. As you know, You & I are investors on your Technology you use to fight crime. If someone were to, say, build a backdoor into Season 3 for The Next Iron Chef.
Sandra Orealia: You’re telling me Go Get It! kidnapped Chefs Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont.
Việt Dzững: So that’s the thing. Do you want the good news or the bad news? You’re not gonna like it.
Sandra Orealia: There’s good news? If Go Get It! are hijacking The Next Iron Chef competition & kidnapping Chef Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont, I can’t imagine there’s a bright side.
Việt Dzững: Eye of the beholder, Sandra. The good news is I should be able to help Captain Orealia stop Go Get It & save The Next Iron Chef competition. But I never done that before.
Sandra Orealia: What are you talking about?
Việt Dzững: When your mission as Captain Orealia began, you needed a way to monitor America. Well, this is how. I piggybacked Captain Orealia’s surveillance onto the Orealia Tech’s signal.
Sandra Orealia: If Go Get It! have been kidnapping Chefs Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont, does that mean that they want Wink & Dinah Ruffman?
Việt Dzững: It looks like they’ve kidnapped 3 chefs who were eliminated. There’s 3 chefs missing.
Sandra Orealia: It’s Tom & Trixie from Go Get It!. I’ll warn Alton Brown & tell him about Go Get It!. The Next Iron Chef kidnappings cannot be caused by Cats.
Việt Dzững: Smart move.
Narrator: So Sandra texts Alton Brown about Go Get It & then texts her that Go Get It! must not kidnap more Chefs. & then Việt Dzững found something.
(Sandra Orealia texts Alton saying: “Alton, I’ve got news.” & then Alton texts: “What is it?” & “Did you find something?” & Sandra texts to him: “Go Get It! is kidnapping 3 chefs. That’s what they’re doing. Continue on with the competition & don’t let anyone get kidnapped.” & Alton says: “Got it.”)
Việt Dzững: I’ve found something. Those Cats are using nets to kidnap Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont. I’m going to help you with the kidnappings, like I do on those missions of yours.
Sandra Orealia: I’m going to need some gadgets to go. Just in case. I didn’t know you were a radio host with Minh Phương.
Việt Dzững: I was a radio host, Sandra. But that was before you were born & you becoming a famous NASCAR driver & Professional Crime Fighter, Captain Orealia. Yeah. That was the good old days, before I started working for you.
Sandra Orealia: On Orealia Tech.
Việt Dzững: I think of what America has become. & I think of her. She gives me a reason to do Radio hosting, be an MC for ASIA Entertainment & work for Captain Orealia. She’s the only one that will truly protect America’s Citizens.
Sandra Orealia: Looks like another piece of Việt Dzũng technology. What’s this, Việt.
Việt Dzững: Something I’m still working on. Some new armament to assist you in the field. There’s only so much you can do on your own. But it’s not really ready yet.
Sandra Orealia: Grapple Gun?
Việt Dzững: From Dzũng. Use it to fire & climb up over 5,000,000 meters, including tall buildings like skyscrapers.
Sandra Orealia: I always wondered why you had a table that could hide itself. Guess it’s coming in pretty handy now.
Việt Dzững: Trust me, it was much more paranoia than precaution.
Sandra Orealia: So anything new.
Việt Dzững: This is going to take some time. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know as soon as I find something.
Sandra Orealia: Baby Powder in a Gun?
Việt Dzững: It’s called the Laser Powder Gun. Use it to Reveal Lasers & use it with built in Mirrors to deflect Lasers.
Sandra Orealia: Thermal vision? You’ve been busy haven’t you, Việt?
Narrator: Once gathered for her mission as Captain Orealia, Sandra looks at the footage camera on her phone.
(Orealia hides table & looks at her phone)
Sandra Orealia: Great. Time’s up on the Chairman’s 8th Challenge. I should go.
Việt Dzững: Before you do… Here. Connect it to the Orealia Laptop, in your motorhome when you get to Talladega, Alabama. It’ll install the added updates your laptop & to the big computer in your Orealia Lair in New York. You’ll also have all the info I’ve found on Go Get It’s activity within the 3rd Season of The Next Iron Chef competition’s competitors being kidnapped.
Sandra Orealia: Thanks, Việt.
Việt Dzững: I’ve always got your back, Captain Orealia. Now get out of here. I’ll meet you outside the building & see if you need anything from me.
Narrator: Sandra then leaves the Orealia Tech Lair & then heads towards her office.
(Sandra enters Elevator & Door closes)

ASIA Entertainment (October 26, 2010) (1:30 pm)

Narrator: So when Sandra got out of the elevator, she locks it & then heads out of her office.
(Sandra Orealia exits Elevator & locks the secret entrance to the Orealia Tech Lair)
(Door slides closed)
Sandra Orealia: Time to go.
(Door Opens & Closes)
Sandra Orealia: Hey, Nam Lộc.
Nam Lộc: How did it go?
Sandra Orealia: I’ve talked it over & I’m going to win both the Nationwide Series & the Cup Series in the same year. So wish me luck in Talladega, Nam Lộc.
Nam Lộc: Good luck in Talladega, Sandra.
Sandra Orealia: I will, Nam Lộc.

ASIA Entertainment (Outside) (October 26, 2010) (1:33 pm)

Narrator: & Việt Dzững met her outside.
(Door Opens & Closes)
Việt Dzững: I’m out now. So we gonna get help?
Sandra Orealia: Yes. Việt, I need to know there someone I can trust on the inside.
Việt Dzững: I’m here for you, Sandra— I’ve always been here for you. Not them. If I stay I’ll have to stop working on our side project. That means no new tech, no repairs if you need them. I could keep an eye on things for you. Let you know what they’re up to, feed you what info I can, But I can’t risk Go Get It finding out.
Sandra Orealia: Come work for us, again. It won’t be what you have here, but at least we can keep pace on the new Orealia-Tech & you attending Thanksgiving in Potomac, Maryland on November 25th. Until the villain is behind bars.
Việt Dzững: I’ll go & gather what I can from the Tech Lab.
Sandra Orealia: Thanks, Việt Dzững.
Việt Dzững: Keep that drive safe, Sandra.
Narrator: So while Việt Dzững transfers some things from the lab, Sandra headed to Talladega.

Sandra Orealia’s Motorhome at Talladega Superspeedway (October 29, 2010) (10:01 pm)

Narrator: & on October 29th at 10:01 pm, Sandra sees the News.
Woman Reporter: Sandra Orealia is still in the lead in the Nationwide Series, She is still 6th in the Cup Series & is entering Talladega going for Win No. 4. More on that in a moment.
Cat Cora: I can’t stand it.
Sandra Orealia: I know. Did you had to talk to Kate Taylor? & tell her “Where’s Ruff’s Parents?”
(Flashback: Ruff’s House)
Kate Taylor: Ruffy, tuffy, tuffy!
Ruff Ruffman: I am trying to run a show here! (Frisbee gets into Ruff’s Mouth)
Cat Cora: Where’s Wink & Dinah Ruffman, Taylor?
Kate Taylor: Tom & Trixie have ‘em.
(Flashback ends)
Cat Cora: Very well. Taylor is in the police station & confesses everything & she works for an unknown organization. & Oh, by the way. I won a Bourbon battle over Paul Miranda.
Sandra Orealia: Way to go, Iron Chef. & I have bad news, Duskie Estes was eliminated & kidnapped. It was happened after I got to the NIC Building.
Cat Cora: Oh, No. Now 4?
Sandra Orealia: Yeah. Let’s check Việt Dzững’s Drive.
Narrator: So Cat & Sandra checked on Dzững's Drive on Go Get It!
(Map shows)
Sandra Orealia: Bring up all related kidnappings related to Go Get It!. Go Get It! has kidnapped Chef Kirschner, Pagan, Dumont & now Chef Estes. This isn’t looking good. Việt Dzững was very thorough. It’s going to be hard to find Go Get It!. I’ll do that after this race & before I go to Texas in Early November.
Narrator: & the plan was set in motion.

Next Iron Chef (Inside) (November 4, 2010) (12:57 pm)

Narrator: & at the Next Iron Chef in Los Angeles...
(Voices Overlapping)
Alton Brown: Thank You, Mr. Chairman. Chefs, I give you America. Now in today’s Chairman’s Challenge, You will take your culinary compass & cook your way around America. You’re gonna create 4 dishes. 1 inspired by the North, 1 the South, 1 the East & the West. Now you’re gonna have 90 minutes to create your dishes & to serve up a platter of goodness showing your respect for the American bounty. There will be an elimination at the end of this Chairman’s Challenge. So for the 5 of you left standing, you will take an actual road trip to a new destination & new Kitchens in one of America’s hottest culinary meccas. More on that later, because there are miles to go before you leave.
Sandra Orealia: I better see who isn’t going on a road trip, later.

Next Iron Chef Elimination: Maneet Chauhan (November 4, 2010)

Narrator: Later on at the Judgement Chamber... with Iron Chef Garces...
Alton Brown: Chefs, Welcome back to your final visit to this judging chamber. Your cooking will continue at a location that has been described as America’s newest culinary mecca… Las Vegas, Nevada. The Chairman, however has only room for five of you, so unfortunately, 1 of you will not be making the trip. You have each shown your respect for the bounty of American ingredients & now the Judges have some questions & comments before we, uh, move to the elimination phase.
(Moments Later)
Narrator: But then there was an another chef eliminated.
Alton Brown: It always comes down to 2.
Marc Forgione: Good Luck.
Maneet Chauhan: Good Luck, Huh?
Alton Brown: Chefs, It was not unanimous. In fact, they went back & forth several times in the voting. & unfortunately, one of you will not be The Next Iron Chef.
Simon Majumdar: Uh, Chef Forgione, Your story started really well. You then appeared to lose confidence in that story, so you ended up producing 2 more generic dishes, the Collard Greens with the Fish, which you know was overcooked & your Clam Chowder, neither of which we thought worked particularly well. You really need to have had the confidence just to have served the Collard Greens on their own, Which would have represented the region & were actually terrific.
Jose Garces: Chef Chauhan, Your food had good flavor for me, but overall all the cooking seemed a little unrefined & your plating seemed a little rustic. In Kitchen Stadium that would be tough to present food like that.
Alton Brown: Chef Chauhan, Chef Forgione, you both had bad days here & you’ve had some really good days. But in the end, Chef Chauhan, I’m Sorry, You will not be The Next Iron Chef.
Narrator: & Maneet Chauhan was eliminated.
Maneet Chauhan: Thank You.
(Doors slides open)
Maneet Chauhan: Going Home.
Marco Canora: Oh, No.
(All talking at once)
(Doors Close)
Alton Brown: Chef Forgione, Everybody up here knows you’ve got the technique. You’ve got the vision. You’ve got the taste. The fact that you decided to put an overcooked piece of Fish on a perfectly good bowl of Collard Greens spoke of a lack of confidence that you should not have at your level of cooking. You survive to cook another day. We’ll see you in Las Vegas.
Marc Forgione: Thank You, Guys.
Alton Brown: Thank You.
Donatella Aparia: Thank You, Chef.
(Doors Slides Open & Closed)
Narrator: The Judges & Iron Chef Garces expressed their feelings for Maneet Chauhan as Sandra came in.
Jose Garces: I feel bad for Chef Chauhan.
Sandra Orealia: Let me guess? Chauhan out?
Alton Brown: Yep.
Sandra Orealia: I thought she was going to Las Vegas & win the Next Iron Chef.
Alton Brown: We all know, Sandra.
Sandra Orealia: I feel bad for her. I need to talk to Iron Chef Garces, My utility man in my Cup Series Crew & please don’t say a word.
All: Got it. 
Sandra Orealia: I have an idea. Let’s go to Texas & win for Chef Chauhan, Iron Chef Garces.
Jose Garces: How are we going to get her to Las Vegas on December 3, 2010?
Sandra Orealia: By winning at Texas, this Sunday.

Texas Motor Speedway (November 7, 2010)

Narrator: So they headed towards Texas Motor Speedway & hoped to win for Maneet Chauhan there.
Matt Andrews: Let me guess? You to win for Chef Chauhan?
Sandra Orealia (over radio): Yes. For her to go to Vegas on December 3rd for Champions Week.
Marty Reid: 500 miles at Texas & the race is Green!
Narrator: The Green Flag was out & the AAA Texas 500 is underway.
(Cars Racing)
Derek Clayton: Come on, Ma’am!
Jose Garces: Make Chef Chauhan proud, Girl!
Narrator: Sandra Orealia raced on & on, as well as John Kealerson, but then with 32 to go it was time for pit stops.
(Cars Racing)
Marty Reid: 32 laps to go & John Kealerson in the lead, with Sandra Orealia on his tail as they enter pit road. A good stop here could be mean the difference between Victory Lane & Defeat.
Sandra Orealia (over radio): Come on, Boys! Faster! I need to beat Kealerson!
Matt Andrews: Go! Go! Go!
Narrator: & Orealia got out first with 2 tires.
(Cars exit Pit Road)
Dale Jarrett: What a Pit Stop by Orealia & the No. 86 Toyota with 2 tires & Gas & She got out 1st before Kealerson, as he gets out 2nd.
Marty Reid: Will Orealia sweep the weekend, despite Chauhan being eliminated?
Narrator: & then approaching the last lap of the race.
(Cars Racing)
Matt Andrews: Coming on 1 lap to go, Young Lady.
Sam Haskell: Come on, Sandra! 
Derek Clayton: Win this one for us!
Henry Johnson (over radio): All clear.
Marty Reid: She’s going to hold on & beat Kealerson at Texas! Are we right? Yes! I’m right! Sandra Orealia wins & sweeps Texas on Saturday & Sunday!
Narrator: Sandra Orealia is triumphant over John Kealerson!!
Sandra Orealia (over radio): Yes! We’ve won for Maneet Chauhan!
Matt Andrews: Sandra Orealia, that was unbelievable! You’ve did it! You’ve did it for Maneet Chauhan!
Sandra Orealia (over radio): Hey! Great job, Guys! What a car!
(Crowd Cheers)
(Car 86 does a burnout)
Narrator: & in Victory lane...
(Confetti flies & Crowd cheers)
Dave Burns: Oh my goodness! Sandra Orealia, you’ve said that you wanted to jump to 5th in the standings. How does it feel, Sandra Orealia?
Sandra Orealia: Well, that was fun. I had a great race car. Our HTB/Miss America/Arthur Toyota won the race. I gotta thank HTB, Miss America, Amway, Nature’s Bottles, DSW, Winnwear, Joesph Ribkoff, USDA, L’Oreal, DuPont, Interstate Batteries, Nestle & Coca-Cola & Toyota, thank our fans. & you know what? Offense is now. Who’s laughing now, Kealerson? Whoo!
Dave Burns: Now you wanted to win for Chef Maneet Chauhan & send her to your hometown for Champion’s Week on December 3rd, despite her not continuing on Season 3 of Food Network’s Next Iron Chef. What do you have to say to Maneet?
Sandra Orealia: Well, I’d wished for that question. I’d wished that Chef Chauhan was in Las Vegas, Nevada in the competition still, If Forgione or another chef was eliminated then she would’ve won & that should’ve been this way.
Dave Burns: Sandra Orealia, gets her 4th win of 2010.
Sam Haskell: Way to go, Sandra.
Sandra Orealia: Thanks, Sam.
Narrator: The celebration was on for Sandra & the No. 86 Team.

Texas Motor Speedway (November 8, 2010) (1:05 am)

Narrator: But that night after the race...
Sandra Orealia: I got to call Chef Chauhan & tell her I won at Texas.
Sam Haskell: See ya in the next race, Sandra.
(Grabs Phone & puts a Quarter in Phone Machine Booth)
(Phone Rings)
Operator: Please leave a message for Maneet Chauhan or text as she is not available.
Sandra Orealia: Hello? Chef Chauhan? You there? Chauhan!?!
(Powder blows)
Sandra Orealia: Hey! (Coughs (x8)) (Falls unconscious)
Narrator: Sandra Orealia fainted from a booby-trapped phone booth with knockout powder...
Officer: Uh-oh! This lady’s unconscious! Get a Doctor! She’s fainted!
Doctor: Who is this lady?! I think she’s unconscious! Take her to the Infirmary, Officer.
Narrator: Will Sandra regain her awake eyes? There's more ahead in the next episode.


Written by: Eytan Keller
Teleplay by: Micha Snodderly, Ryan Polito, Eytan Keller
Produced by: Micha Snodderly & Eytan Keller
Directed by: Ryan Polito & Raf Wathion

Airdate: November 2, 2010

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