Showing posts with label Batman 85th Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman 85th Anniversary. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Batman - The Telltale Series (V17) - Full Gameplay (Clip at Start) #HuynhvsKrueger

 The Full Gameplay of Batman: The Telltale Series (V17)

Full Gameplay of the V17 of #BatmanTelltaleSeries on #SOTProductionsGaming.

Skip Times

Realm of Shadows

1:31 to 9:09 Intro/First Fight 9:11 to 14:26 Catwoman Fight 14:46 to 28:57 Harvey's Election Party/Falcone Meeting 41:50 to 51:34 Cobblepot Park 51:52 to 57:10 Press Confrence (Kaitlin Monte) 57:27 to 1:26:58 Investigation 1:31:02 to 1:35:45 Giving the Data 1:36:00 to 1:46:13 Falcone Boss Fight 1:46:46 to 1:49:25 End of Episode 1

Children of Arkham

1:49:25 to 1:59:04 Bruce investigates his Parents Murder 1:59:17 to 2:13:52 Falcone's Death/Montoya's Interrogration 2:14:30 to 2:23:19 The Investigation/Batman meets Penguin 2:23:44 to 2:32:18 Bar Fight (Mary Margaret Roark) 2:35:18 to 2:40:33 Meeting Hamilton Hill (Jennifer Sedler) 2:44:22 to 2:47:05 Batman calls Harvey 2:47:36 to 3:03:31 Batman vs. the Children of Arkham 3:03:50 to 3:05:16 The Aftermath (End of Episode 2)

New World Order

3:05:16 to 3:10:32 Harvey in the Hospital 3:10:57 to 3:16:08 Bat Signal 3:16:18 to 3:21:06 Children of Arkham Attack 3:22:48 to 3:40:47 Bruce investigates the Attacks/Bruce's Resignation/Lucius Fox sent to the Batcave 3:41:06 to 3:50:37 Investigation/#ToyotaCamry/#Paris2024/M&M's NASCAR Promotion 3:50:56 to 4:03:03 Harvey's Plan for Gotham/Vicki's Meeting 4:03:18 to 4:17:49 Depot Fight 4:18:12 to 4:41:38 Sleeping with Selina/Harvey Fight 4:42:07 to 4:49:39 Press Confrence/Lady Arkham Reveal (End of Episode 3)

Guardian of Gotham

4:49:39 to 4:55:55 Bruce meets Joker 4:59:14 to 4:59:30 Brainchild Scene 5:16:13 to 5:18:15 Bruce out of Arkham 5:18:36 to 5:24:24 Harvey's Enforcers meet with Bruce (#KevinHunterCalty, #MileyCyrus, #PatSajak, #VannaWhite) 5:24:36 to 5:35:03 Bruce talks with Selina & gets cured 5:35:21 to 5:48:23 The Vales Murder 5:52:49 to 6:00:44 Bruce meets Harvey & his almost death 6:01:59 to 6:11:23 Penguin Fight (End of Episode 4)

City of Light

6:11:23 to 6:17:01 Grogan's Murder 6:18:02 to 6:26:07 Harvey's Fall & Defeat (#KevinHunterCalty, Jennifer Sedler) 6:26:34 to 6:40:22 Investigation 6:40:41 to 6:59:03 Chatting with Selina/Lady Arkham's Attack on Manor/Message for Batman 6:59:20 to 7:08:44 Alfred's Clues 7:09:05 to 7:28:23 Lady Arkham's Defeat & Death 7:28:37 to 7:39:33 The Aftermath 7:39:49 to 7:45:07 GCPD Press Confrence/Ending

Help us #RestoretheGasolineCamry at & #BringBacktheV6Camry by signing now. Chip in $5 or More & send it to my home or Apple Pay me at (619) 397-8120. Mailing Address 3737 36th Street San Diego, California 92104-3904 Version:

2024 Playlists with others

Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart (New Game Plus):
Super Bowl LVII at Vicki Vale Stadium (February 12, 2023):
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

For my Petitions

Put a V6 Engine in the Toyota Camry 9th Generation
NASCAR Racers Film Adaptation
Bring back the NASCAR All-Star Race back to Charlotte Motor Speedway
Protest M&M's to come back to NASCAR in 2024 & sponsor Tyler Reddick in the Cup Series
M&M's/23XI Racing/Tyler Reddick Team Up
Bring back the No. 18 Car to the NASCAR Cup Series
Grant the Rename of the NASCAR Cup Series as the NASCAR Maytag Cup Series
Bring Back & Save M&M's Sponsorship in NASCAR
Move back the Last Race of the Season to Mid-November
Bring the Daytona 500 & Coke Zero Sugar 400 to FOX & NBC
Grant Chevrolet to bring back the Monte Carlo
Rename the Grant Park 165 as the Jerry Springer Grant Park 165 - NASCAR
Bring back the Coke Zero 400 to July 4th Weekend - NASCAR
Increasing the NASCAR Cup Series Schedule from 36 to 39 Races

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials 
Subscribe to TDiS Entertainment (A SOT Productions Company) on YouTube & Facebook for more Duo is Slumming Commercials

#SeanceofTerrorCommercials, #SOTProductions, #SOTProductionsGaming, #BatmanTelltaleSeries, #BatmanTelltaleGames, #BatmanTelltale, #Batman85thAnniversary, #Batman, #Batman85, #Batman85th, #SeanceofTerror, #FullGameplayWalkthrough, #FullGame, #FullGameplay, #HuynhvsKrueger

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Batman - The Telltale Series (V16) - Full Gameplay #HuynhvsKrueger

 Here's my Batman Telltale V16 Full Gameplay

Full Gameplay of the V16 of #BatmanTelltaleSeries on #SOTProductionsGaming.

Skip Times

Episode 1: Realm of Shadows

2:05 to 2:25 Introduction 3:10 to 10:11 First Fight 10:12 to 15:33 Catwoman Fight 15:52 to 30:08 Harvey's Election Party/Falcone Meeting 43:06 to 52:58 Cobblepot Park 53:22 to 58:53 Press Confrence (Kaitlin Monte) 59:10 to 1:28:25 Investigation 1:32:40 to 1:37:27 Giving the Data 1:37:42 to 1:48:53 Falcone Boss Fight 1:49:26 to 1:52:02 End of Episode 1

Episode 2: Children of Arkham

1:52:05 to 2:01:15 Bruce investigates his Parents Murder 2:01:26 to 2:16:16 Falcone's Death/Montoya's Interrogation 2:16:48 to 2:26:12 The Investigation/Batman meets Penguin 2:26:38 to 2:35:29 Bar Fight (Mary Margaret Roark) 2:38:23 to 2:43:44 Meeting Hamilton Hill (Jennifer Sedler) 2:49:25 to 2:51:54 Batman calls Harvey 2:52:14 to 3:07:36 Batman vs. the Children of Arkham 3:07:54 to 3:09:23 The Aftermath (End of Episode 2)

Episode 3: New World Order

3:14:57 to 3:20:05 Bat Signal 3:20:16 to 3:24:56 Children of Arkham Attack 3:26:31 to 3:44:35 Bruce investigates/Bruce's Resignation/Lucius Fox sent to the Batcave 3:44:53 to 3:54:09 Investigation 3:54:23 to 4:06:38 Harvey for Gotham/Vicki's Meeting 4:06:49 to 4:19:17 Depot Fight 4:19:40 to 4:41:35 Sleeping with Selina/Harvey Fight 4:42:01 to 4:49:21 Press Confrence/Lady Arkham Reveal (End of Episode 3)

Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham

4:49:24 to 4:55:53 Bruce meets Joker 4:59:01 to 4:59:15 Brainchild Scene 5:17:09 to 5:19:18 Bruce out of Arkham 5:19:39 to 5:25:22 Harvey's Enforcers meet with Bruce (#MarkMartin, #MileyCyrus & #KevinHunterCalty) 5:25:33 to 5:36:17 Bruce talks with Selina & gets cured 5:36:31 to 5:49:29 The Vales Murder 5:54:28 to 6:02:25 Bruce meets Harvey & his almost death
6:03:38 to 6:12:53 Penguin Fight (End of Episode 4)

Episode 5: City of Light

6:12:55 to 6:18:38 Grogan's Murder 6:19:40 to 6:27:35 Harvey's Fall & Defeat (#JasonEarles, #JenniferSedler) 6:28:02 to 6:41:56 Investigation 6:42:15 to 7:01:09 Chatting with Selina/Lady Arkham's Attack on Manor/Message for Batman 7:01:22 to 7:10:02 Alfred's Clues 7:10:14 to 7:29:30 Lady Arkham's Defeat & Death 7:29:47 to 7:40:13 The Aftermath 7:40:42 to 7:46:06 GCPD Press Confrence/Ending

Help us #RestoretheGasolineCamry at & #BringBacktheV6Camry by signing now. Version:

Chip in $5 or More & send it to my home or Apple Pay me at (619) 397-8120.

Mailing Address
3737 36th Street
San Diego, California 92104-3904

2024 Playlists with others

Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart (New Game Plus):
Super Bowl LVII at Vicki Vale Stadium (February 12, 2023):
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

For my Petitions

Put a V6 Engine in the Toyota Camry 9th Generation
NASCAR Racers Film Adaptation
Bring back the NASCAR All-Star Race back to Charlotte Motor Speedway
Protest M&M's to come back to NASCAR in 2024 & sponsor Tyler Reddick in the Cup Series
M&M's/23XI Racing/Tyler Reddick Team Up
Bring back the No. 18 Car to the NASCAR Cup Series
Grant the Rename of the NASCAR Cup Series as the NASCAR Maytag Cup Series
Bring Back & Save M&M's Sponsorship in NASCAR
Move back the Last Race of the Season to Mid-November
Bring the Daytona 500 & Coke Zero Sugar 400 to FOX & NBC
Grant Chevrolet to bring back the Monte Carlo
Rename the Grant Park 165 as the Jerry Springer Grant Park 165 - NASCAR
Bring back the Coke Zero 400 to July 4th Weekend - NASCAR
Increasing the NASCAR Cup Series Schedule from 36 to 39 Races

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials 
Subscribe to TDiS Entertainment (A SOT Productions Company) on YouTube & Facebook for more Duo is Slumming Commercials

#SeanceofTerrorCommercials, #SOTProductions, #SOTProductionsGaming, #BatmanTelltaleSeries, #BatmanTelltaleGames, #BatmanTelltale, #Batman85thAnniversary, #Batman, #Batman85, #Batman85th, #SeanceofTerror, #FullGameplayWalkthrough, #FullGame, #FullGameplay, #HuynhvsKrueger

#SuperBowlLIX Commercials (Seance of Terror & The Duo is Slumming)

In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs facing the Philadelphia Eagles (a Rematch of Super Bowl LVII), Here's the list of Commercials that sh...