Showing posts with label Seance of Terror Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seance of Terror Day. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2024

Seance of Terror Day 2024

 We're celebrating Seance of Terror Day on this day on March 10, 2024.

Link to Episode:

Seance of Terror Plot
While Diana Prince is discussing security details of the next World Peace Conference with Colonel Dekker, a boy named Matthew is taking a picture of the Conference's Secretary Bakru and to his surprise his dead wife appears on it. The boy convinces Bakru to go along with him but when he gets into the car drops one of the photographs. The boy suggests Bakru meet his uncle who has the ability to talk to the spirits of dead people and that they can contact his wife.

Diana, having been told by Dekker that she is no longer needed, leaves to return to the IADC. As she comes outside she sees the car drive away and notices the photograph on the ground. She gets into her car and follows them.

Two men who have been watching her get into their car and set off after her. The car pulls into a quarry, then turns around and speeds away. As Diana is about to turn around and follow it the other car pulls up and blocks her path. She is told to get out of the car, her wrists are tied and one of the men places her on a conveyor belt while the other searches her purse and discovers that she is Diana Prince of the IADC. Diana falls from the conveyor belt to the ground below, as she rolls down a pile of stones she spins into Wonder Woman. She leaps back to where her car is but the men have gone.

At the IADC Diana tries to convince Steve that it is a psychic photograph that they have. She then sets off for the embassy so that she can protect Kell and Yamura. When she arrives Diana is sent by Dekker to Kell's room, unaware that it is a trap. Matthew takes a picture of delegate Kell and it appears her dead son Eric is in it, he convinces her to leave with him too.

Diana enters Kell's room and talks to the person sitting in the chair, then she notices something fall onto the floor so she reaches down to pick it up and as she does it emits a white gas. She sees that the person was in fact a dummy then collapses. Theodora enters, wearing a gas mask.

Matt leads the delegate to the Psychic Research Institute where she is introduced to his aunt Theodora who tells her that the spirits need to talk to all three delegates about the peace conference and that they are awaiting the arrival of Yamura before any more is revealed.

Matthew's uncle reproaches him because he lost of the pictures, and reminds him what is his function in the Institute. It seems that they have moved many times, never staying in one place for too long, traveling all over the world.

Back at the IADC Dekker accuses Diana of negligence & no longer needs to worry about the peace talk negotiations & then he said that on Diana's last assignment, she was found sleeping on a backroom couch while supposedly watching Mrs. Kell who disappeared & then Diana said that somebody lured her into that room & Chloroformed her, to get her out of the way & Dekker doesn't believe that there was an odor of gas & whatever she was sleeping about wasn't chloroform in that room and Steve takes her off the supervising mission. Before leaving the IADC Diana tries to obtain some information from IRAC, though she is not authorized to do so. However IRAC gives her the information he has, saying as she leaves the room that Steve said he was not authorized to give information to Diana but had not banned him from giving it to Wonder Woman.

Back in the Institute they are discussing details for the séance and they also plan to get rid of Diana Prince and decide to put a bomb in her car.

That evening on the way to the Institute, Diana's car engine stops and a wall of fire appears on the road ahead making in impossible for her to go on. She gets out of her car hearing ghostly voices warning her of danger and telling her not to go on. Diana quickly spins into Wonder Woman and challenges them, mortal or otherwise to show themselves, they disappear. Disguised as a wealthy widow called Carol Littleton, Diana infiltrates the Institute and discovers they are using Matthew's psychic powers in dirty business.

Back at the IADC Steve discusses the latest events with Eve. Yamura has now disappeared too. They know about Matthew Koslo and his uncle Lawson Koslo. He's been successful in using legitimate psychic phenomena to con people and he is now Matthew's legal guardian. Steve says he'll ring Diana with the news but Eve tells him that she tried to call earlier and there was no answer.

When Ambassador Yamura arrives at the Institute, Diana watches him from her bedroom window, behind her door Matt takes a picture of Diana where she looks differently and she is forced to tell him that she is an IADC agent and that his uncle have been using him because he is such a special young man. It is difficult for Matt to believe that his aunt and uncle use his powers to make people believe what they tell them. She continues to tell him that his aunt and uncle are now arranging a séance for the three members of the peace conference so they can 'talk" to their beloved deceased.

During the séance Bakru will talk to his wife, Ms. Kell to her son, and Yamura to his father. All three will be told to discontinue the peace conferences. His aunt and uncle will be paid a handsome price by an enemy country if the peace conference is called off and the border wars continue. When he leaves the room Diana looks at the two pictures he had taken, which have now developed, one shows her as Diana Prince, the other as Wonder Woman. She screws the photo up.

Matthew's uncle sees him leave her room, he makes him tell him who Diana is and what she is doing there. He realizes that he'll have to get her out of the way. Diana leaves her room when she hears voices, almost a whisper, calling her name. She walks toward the voices and suddenly the floor opens up under her feet and she drops out of sight. She hits the floor, her head smacks against the wall, she is dazed, her vision clouds and her eyes close. A pipe in the wall starts to fill the room with white gas.

A séance is in session and in the room are Theodora, Matt, Bakru, Kell and Yamura. There is total silence and suddenly a chorus of voices is heard as the deceased loved ones appear before them. Eric is telling his mother to cancel the conference as is Bakru's wife and Yamura's father. They insist the border wars must continue.

In the meantime, Diana has regained consciousness and whirls into Wonder Woman. She leaps up through the open trap door and takes off down the hall. When she reaches the control room, she slowly opens the door and sees Koslo seated at the control console of a large machine, pushing buttons and turning dials mechanically creating the ghostly effects of the séance. Also on display are video tapes which are manipulated to effect the images in the séance room. Wonder Woman enters. She turns the knobs, pushes up switches and pulls out the control box and suddenly the ghosts disappear from the screens. She rips open the drapes and reveals a horrified Koslo to the people sitting at the table. He tries to escape but Wonder Woman grabs his leg and flings him up and onto his desk. When Theodora tries to escape Matthew uses his power to lock the door and Wonder Woman uses her lasso on Koslo to get information about why the peace conference was to be prevented from taking place & she learned from Uncle Lawson that the Border wars were taking place in Tymania which planned to invade Parmalee & Disan after those countries have been weakened & Wonder Woman said that he’s pulled his last hoax.

The three members of the conference return to the meeting and resume negotiations. Diana and Steve pulled a few strings and get Matt a grant to the International Science Foundation. And Steve, who wants to punish Diana for staying on an assignment she taken off, Diana told Steve that Colonel Decker lie to her but Steve tells her that Colonel Dekker is now Private Dekker so he insists that she takes a vacation and hands her a plane ticket, hotel reservations and official orders to have the time of her life. She tells him that she doesn't want to go, that she's not prepared but everything she says she doesn't have, suntan lotion, books and a film for her camera, Rover manages to produce. So she has no choice but to go.

My Playlist for Seance of Terror Commercials

For my Petitions

Put a V6 Engine in the Toyota Camry 9th Generation

NASCAR Racers Film Adaptation

Bring back the NASCAR All-Star Race back to Charlotte Motor Speedway

Protest M&M's to come back to NASCAR in 2024 & sponsor Tyler Reddick in the Cup Series

M&M's/23XI Racing/Tyler Reddick Team Up

Bring back the No. 18 Car to the NASCAR Cup Series

Grant the Rename of the NASCAR Cup Series as the NASCAR Maytag Cup Series

Bring Back & Save M&M's Sponsorship in NASCAR

Move back the Last Race of the Season to Mid-November

Bring the Daytona 500 & Coke Zero Sugar 400 to FOX & NBC

Grant Chevrolet to bring back the Monte Carlo

Rename the Grant Park 165 as the Jerry Springer Grant Park 165 - NASCAR

Bring back the Coke Zero 400 to July 4th Weekend - NASCAR

Increasing the NASCAR Cup Series Schedule from 36 to 39 Races

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