Showing posts with label Multiplayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiplayer. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2023

LEGO®️ Batman™️ 2: DC Super Heroes (V2 Walkthrough)

 This is my LEGO®️ Batman™️ 2: DC Super Heroes (V2 Walkthrough) on SOT Productions' YouTube.

Level 1: Theatrical Pursuits

Level 2: Harboring a Criminal

Level 3: Arkham Asylum Antics

Level 4: Asylum Assignment

Level 5: Chemical Crisis

Level 6: Chemical Signature

Level 7: Unwelcome Guests

Level 8: Destination Metropolis

Level 9: Research and Development

Level 10: Down to Earth

Level 11: Underground Retreat

Level 12: The Next President

Level 13: Core Instability

Level 14: Tower Defiance

Level 15: Heroes Unite (Ending)

My V2 Walkthrough of LEGO®️ Batman™️ 2: DC Super Heroes on the PC.

My Videos/Playlists:

My Take 5 Walkthrough of Batman: The Telltale Series:

LEGO®️ Batman™️ 2: DC Super Heroes (2012) (Original):

Super Bowl LVII at Vicki Vale Stadium (February 12, 2023):

Batman: The Telltale Series with the  Lynda Carter Swimsuit Effect Version:

My Blogspot posts:

Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials: 

#SeanceofTerrorCommercials, #BatmanTelltaleSeries, #Batman, #BatmanTelltale, #SOTProductions5th

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Batman Arkham Origins Multiplayer Tutorial

 Here's my tutorial on Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer

Tutorial Videos on how to Play Arkham Origins Online. Tutorial: 0:10 - Inv Pred Online Basics 1:08 - Hunter, Hunted Basics 2:01 - Elite Basics 3:40 - Hero Basics 5:01 - Batman Gadgets 5:37 - Robin Gadgets 6:08 - Joker Elite Abilities 6:55 - Bane Elite Abilities 7:55 - Super-Villains 8:42 - Inv Pred Online Advanced 9:39 - Heroes Advanced My Playlists: Seance of Terror Commericals: Batman: Arkham Origins (New Game Plus): Cold, Cold Heart (New Game Plus): My Recommended Petitions: Remaster Batman Arkham Origins: Make Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer A Game: My Blogspot posts: Unfathomable & Music: NASCAR Helmets & Firesuits: NR2003 Package: Subscribe to SOT Productions on YouTube, Facebook or Blogspot for more Seance of Terror Commercials: Youtube: Facebook: Blogspot:

#SeanceofTerrorCommericals, #BatmanArkhamOriginsMultiplayer, #BatmanArkhamOrigins, #Batman

#SuperBowlLIX Commercials (Seance of Terror & The Duo is Slumming)

In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs facing the Philadelphia Eagles (a Rematch of Super Bowl LVII), Here's the list of Commercials that sh...