Friday, October 20, 2023

Sandra Orealia: Hearth of Takeover - Episode 1 - Haunted Manor Scarings

Episode 1 of Sandra Orealia - Hearth of Takeover - Haunted Manor Scarings


When Sandra Orealia notices that Chef Kirschner & Pagan we’re kidnapped, Captain Orealia has to find out who caused the kidnappings while finding out if Butler is behind this.


Next Iron Chef Elimination (Andrew Kirschner’s disappearance) (October 6, 2010)

At the Next Iron Chef Building in Los Angeles, California, a upset Chef Andrew Kirschner walks out of the Chamber of Judgement after being the first eliminated from the Chairman's 3rd annual search for his new Iron Chef, while in the judgement chamber, Alton Brown reminds Duskie Estes all about her dish & said that Clams saved her (in which it wasn't a Desert Island Ingredient & the Judges loved it & that kept Chef Estes in the Competition & survives to cook another day & then Alton has Duskie exit the Judgement Chamber & Andrew Kirschner tells the other Chefs that it was a blast & then walks out & then the lights flickered & then he gets kidnapped.

Auto Club Speedway: Pepsi Max 400 (October 10, 2010)

4 Days later, at the Pepsi Max 400 at Auto Club Speedway, Scarlett Orealia takes the white flag & holds off Billy Jackson & her sister, Sandra for the win. Sandra was asked by Jamie Little on how in the world did she lose this race dropping her to 3rd in 2 laps & then she said that her car would've been better if she could've won it & then a Male Reporter tells Sandra all about Chef Kirschner's Disappearence from the Next Iron Chef Competition & says that She'll see about it, while she roots on for Maneet Chauhan in the Next Iron Chef Competition.

Orealia Lair (October 11, 2010) (8:59 am)

The Next Day, Shortly after the Pepsi Max 400, Sandra goes to the Orealia Lair to find out who kidnapped Chef Andrew Kirschner. Visited by Iron Chef Cat Cora, Sandra only has one option: Ask for help from his Lawyer.

Fred Davis’ Office (October 11, 2010) (11:15 am)

At Fred Davis' Office, Sandra gives Fred the latest paper saying: "Eliminated Next Iron Chef Competitor kidnapped by Cats from an unknown Blue Cat & Purple Cat!!", before Fred decided to join Captain Orealia for help on The Next Iron Chef Kidnapping as Sandra's watch beeps & she rushed away to her emergency & then tells Fred that she'll see him at the Cafe at 6 & then goes to her Emergency in New England as Captain Orealia.

Ruff Ruffman’s House/Game Show Island (October 11, 2010) (12:01 am)

Ruff Ruffman & Blossom see a mysterious island as Captain Orealia was seeing on what is going on through the Orealia Speedboat & then see footage of a sign saying: "Welcome to Game Show Island!" & then seeing 6 kids walk in to a shed & Ruff greets the kids on the old-school TV & then a kid girl with a hat says to Ruff; "Why are we here?" & Ruff explains this whole mess & then Ruff explains to his Fetchers that he would never leave travel arrangements to a mouse at an insane Viking & then tells him as a Dog of intergrity that he'll get them off Game Show Island & Blossom reminds Ruff that every Boat but Captain Orealia's is entered for the Big Boat Bash & the Kids Groan. Later at 1:58 PM, Orealia plays Cat Cora a recording & learns that the voices are Ruff Ruffman's Parents, as the Kids ask for Captain Orealia for a ride home to Studio G & Captain Orealia has a Capacity of a Boat that holds 8 People.

On the way to Ruff’s House (October 11, 2010) (2:10 pm)

On the way to Ruff's House & Studio G, Captain Orealia knows the kids names are Emmie, Rubye, Shreya, Marc, Marco & Jay who were asked by Captain Orealia all about why a guy named Sven dropped them off at Game Show Island & the kids explained that they were originally supposed to go to Studio G. After the Orealia Speedboat arrives at Studio G & Ruff's House, The Kids get off & Captain Orealia gets a Call from Cat Cora learning that the Police are at Kitchen Stadium.

Kitchen Stadium (October 11, 2010) (3:19 pm)

Although the Police Commissioner reassures her that they will only take documents about a show called" "Go Get It!", Sandra is convinced that it may be politically motivated by that show, who is in Butler of Ruffman Manor's pocket. As the NYPD leave,  Sandra and Cat discuss why Fred wasn't able to warn them and decide to investigate.

Cafe John (October 11, 2010) (5:58 pm)

Meeting him that evening at Café John, Sandra learns that Butler is rumorly to have kidnapped Chef Andrew Kirscher had actually gone without Fred's authority. Deciding to track down who is responsible for the allegations, Sandra goes find out who is behind the kidnappings on The Next Iron Chef. She leaves shortly afterwards to investigate in Los Angeles, California as Captain Orealia.

Next Iron Chef (Outside) (October 13, 2010) (7:01 pm)

At the Next Iron Chef Building in Los Angeles, California, Captain Orealia finds the area empty, she investigates the scene; discovering that Chef Mario Pagan was kidnapped, Deducing the events and that Jeff Harry may be involved, he tracks down a crook, who stayed behind whilst the other men escaped. Interrogating the crook, he claims to have been sent by Butler to kidnap Chefs Kirschner & Pagan and that the knowledge of what it was has been kept a secret & Orealia knocks him out & gives him to the LAPD, she passes them information she interrogated from the crook to them before leaving.

Charlotte Motor Speedway (October 14, 2010)

Sandra was at Charlotte Motor Speedway getting ready for the Bank of America 500 & meets John Kealerson & notices that Billy Jackson is back in his regular Scooby-Doo Colors & then tells him that Ruffman will be a legendary Game Show Host, before driving away in the HTB/Miss America/Noodle & Doodle Toyota for Practice.

Orealia Lair (October 17, 2010)

Cat Cora explains that Sandra finishes 3rd & Billy Jackson Finished 2nd to John Kealerson & claims that is not important & Sandra replies about it & then the Computer alerts them to find Butler at Ruffman Manor on Packer Road, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania & then she goes as Captain Orealia.

Ruffman Manor (October 17, 2010) (7:02 pm)

Captain Orealia finds Ruffman Manor & then spies on 6 kids & then sees a Gardner meeting the Kids saying they wont be finding any candy & then the kids replied they're not here to Trick or Treat; as they explained to him as they were telling him that Ruffman Manor belongs to Ruff Ruffman & then he says that: "So Ruffman Manor has a new owner?" dropped his glove & gets back to trimming the hedges. The kids walk up the stairs & the use the doorbell & then they see the Butler & the Butler greets them & welcomes them to Ruffman Manor & tells them to come in, reminds them that Mr. Ruffman will be moving in to Ruffman Manor & will make sure Maximilian doesn't mind. On the 2nd floor, The Butler tells them the 3rd Floor is off-limits & tells them Girls to go to left & the Gentlemen go with the Butler & Marco discovers the door to Maximilian's Room & then the Butler reminds the Kids to not touch that room, since the day Maximilian passed away. At the Girl's Room, The Butler reminds the Girls to wear something more appropriate for dinner at 7:30 pm & the Girls find Gowns, while the Boys wore Tuxedos. At 7:30 pm, Dinner was served & the Chef of the Manor serves them soup & the kids talked & refused to eat the soup, The Butler comes in & tell them all about Maximilian Ruffman & reminds the Kids that Maximilian is no longer with them & then Captain Orealia decided to have Cat Cora keep an eye on them, while she waits till morning.

Ruffman Manor (October 18, 2010) (8:00 am)

The next morning, Captain Orealia sees audio footage from last night, while the 6 Kids, talked all about it & decide to set a trap for the culprit. 30 Minutes later, Butler walked in & then opened the door & then a Ghost scared the Butler, causing the Butler to run & then tries to flee & the net drops & then is removed by the Gardner & Chef & the Kids & Captain Orealia show up & then point at the Butler saying it was him behind the haunting of Ruffman Manor & Captain Orealia commends the Kids for the capture. The Butler explained everything & Captain Orealia demanded that the Butler tells him about Chef Kirschner & Chef Pagan, the Gardner & Chef tells them that they're Private Investigators & they gave the Kids those clues, but Butler stated that he had nothing to do with the incident that when on there & states that He would've gotten away with it from those 6 kids. So the Chef & Gardner tells the 6 Kids to leave & Captain Orealia pushes the Butler onto the Wall causing him to be brutalized & Butler tells her that Go Get It did have ties to the Next Iron Chef kidnappings & tells her that Go Get It! is show to watch. After the Police arrive, Gardner & Chef take the Butler to the Police Station in Boston.


With news outlets reporting on Go Get It!'s ties to the Next Iron Chef kidnappings, Sandra drives back to the Orealia Lair, she listened to reports from different USA news outlets reporting on her attack on Ruffman Manor and the Go Get It! scandal. Returning to the Orealia Lair, Sandra unmasked himself and voiced her frustrations that FETCH!'s rip-off were linked to The Next Iron Chef kidnappings. She then demanded that Cat Cora helped her with everything, believing her to have known about this.


Michelle Trachenberg - Sandra Orealia/Captain Orealia
Cat Cora - Cat Cora
Alton Brown - Alton Brown
Stephen Hope-Wynne - Fred Davis
Marty Reid - Marty Reid
Jamie Little - Jamie Little
Tom Kenny - Reporter
Jim Conroy - Ruff Ruffman/Wink Ruffman/Dianh Ruffman
Emmie Atwood - Emmie Atwood
Rubye Peyser - Rubye Peyser
Shreya Viswanathan - Shreya Viswanathan
Marc Prophet - Marc Prophet 
Marco Frongilo - Marco Frongilo
Jay Ricco - Jay Ricco
Robby Benson - Police Commissioner (New York)
Rosa Blasi - Police Officer (New York)/Chef of Ruffman Manor
Billy West - Police Officer (Los Angeles)
John Morris - John Kealerson 
Scott Porter - Billy Jackson
Carl Roberts - Gardner of Ruffman Manor
Sean Peters - Jeff Harry (Credited as Butler of Ruffman Manor)
Julie Chen - Julie Chen
Andrew Kirschner - Andrew Kirschner
Mario Pagan - Mario Pagan
Mary Dumont - Mary Dumont
Duskie Estes - Duskie Estes
Maneet Chauhan - Maneet Chauhan
Bryan Caswell - Bryan Caswell
Celina Tio - Celina Tio
Ming Tsai - Ming Tsai
Marco Canora - Marco Canora
Marc Forgione - Marc Forgione


Next Iron Chef Elimination (Andrew Kirschner’s disappearance) (October 6, 2010)

Alton Brown: & I’m sorry, but you will not be The Next Iron Chef.
(Doors Open)
Andrew Kirschner: I’m out.
(Chefs all talking at once)
Alton Brown: Chef Estes, are you familiar with the expression “By the skin of your teeth”?
Duskie Estes: Today for sure.
Alton Brown: Clams, Madam, saved you, an ingredient that was not your desert island food, but they loved it & that is what is keeping you in this competition. I would take some serious time between now & your next challenge to bone up on meat science. Are we clear? You survive to cook another day. Thank you, Chef.
(Door Opens & Closes)
Andrew Kirschner: Listen, it was so awesome, Guys. I really, really, really appreciate meeting you all & spending time with you all. Good luck to you all.
(Kirschner walking & lights flicker)
Andrew Kirschner: Hey! What’s going on? AAH!

Auto Club Speedway: Pepsi Max 400 - Final Lap & Post-Race (October 10, 2010)

Marty Reid: Scarlett Orealia is in the lead while Sandra drops to 3rd as the head to 3 & 4. 1 lap to go from California, Scarlett Orealia & the No. 74 Wonder Woman/1 800 Contacts Toyota in the lead behind her is Billy Jackson & her sister Sandra Orealia. Which one will win at Hollywood? Through 3 & 4 & Here they come to the Finish line, it’s Scarlett Orealia taking the win in the Lynda Carter Camry!
(Crowd Cheers)
Pit Reporter: Sandra, tell me how you dropped to 3rd with 2 laps to go & finishing 3rd?
Sandra Orealia: I don’t know. I thought we were better on the last 2 laps & our FETCH!/Miss America/HTB Toyota could’ve won this one.
Reporter: & did you hear the news that Chef Kirschner who was eliminated from the first episode of Season 3 of “The Next Iron Chef” on Food Network?
Sandra Orealia: We’ll see about that. Right now, I’m rooting for Maneet Chauhan to win & be the Next Iron Chef. I hope Captain Orealia finds out about it.

Orealia Lair (October 11, 2010) (8:59 am)

Sandra Orealia: It’s me.
(Lights & Screens turn on)
Sandra Orealia: I need to find out what happened to Chef Kirschner.
Cat Cora: I always find you here in front of a computer & here’s Kirschner food for when you got back.
Sandra Orealia: Thanks, Iron Chef Cora. We don’t know who abducted Andrew Kirschner, Cora. But what we do know is that someone caught Chef Kirschner, Alive. What we do know is that they were Cats.
Cat Cora: Let’s see the footage, Oh my god. I think they’re abducting the Chef  who are a pair of Cats. But, How?
Sandra Orealia: Let’s find out who is ordering those Cats to kidnap Chef Kirschner & there’s only one person who could try.

Fred Davis’ Office (October 11, 2010) (11:15 am)

Sandra Orealia: Fred, Can I please come in?
Fred Davis: Come in, Sandra Ma’am. Good Morning.
Sandra Orealia: Did you see the latest paper? Chef Kirschner’s gone.
Fred Davis: Chef Kirschner gone?
Sandra Orealia: It was in the papers this week. Please read it, Freddie.
Fred Davis: Eliminated Next Iron Chef Competitor kidnapped by Cats from an unknown Blue Cat & Purple Cat!?! Sandra, looks like we need to find out who is ordering those 2 Cats before it gets worse. We need Captain Orealia’s help.
(Sandra’s Watch beeps)
Sandra Orealia: I’ve got to go. Emergency at work. See ya at 6:00 pm, Fred, or whenever I get there.
Fred Davis: See ya, Sandra. Tell Captain Orealia I said: Hello.
Sandra Orealia: See ya at a Cafe.
Fred Davis: Got it, Sandra.

Ruff Ruffman’s House/Game Show Island (October 11, 2010) (12:01 am)

Ruff Ruffman: Ok, Blossom. let’s hope this works. Press the button.
(Button Presses & Computer Powers on)
Captain Orealia: I see some Kids, Iron Chef Cora. I think they’re heading in to a shed. I don’t know what is going on here? I see it from my Boat that is Super fast.
Ruff Ruffman: Welcome to Game Show Island!?!
Captain Orealia: What is “Game Show Island?”
Cat Cora: I’ll see what it is, Miss, It turns out that Game Show Island is a Island for people to see on game shows.
Ruff Ruffman: Rubye, Emmie, Marc, Jay, Marco, Shreya, over here! It’s me, Ruff! Boy! I am glad to see you guys! Wow. That would’ve been awful losing you in the first day.
Emmie Atwood: Why are we here?
Jay Ricco: Yeah.
Shreya Viswanathan: What are we doing here?
Ruff Ruffman: Well, all I could say is: “Never leave travel arrangements to a mouse at an insane Viking.” I give you my word as a game show host & a dog of integrity, that I’m gonna get you off this island. What do you mean not yet? Every boat in town is booked for the big boat bash?!
(Everyone groans)
Captain Orealia: My boat isn’t entered. So I can rescue the kids, But not yet. I need to keep an eye on things here.

Game Show Island (October 11, 2010) (1:58 pm)

Captain Orealia: I caught video/audio shown to you, Iron Chef Cora. Here it is.
Male Voice: I’m Wink.
Female Voice: & this is Dianh. Tell ‘em our last name, Darling.
Male Voice: Oh, yeah. Ruffman.
Captain Orealia: Ruffman? Hmm? I’ll get back to you soon.
Kids: Can someone get us back to Studio G?
Captain Orealia: I can! I have a boat of a capacity of 8 people & oh, I’m Captain Orealia.
Kids: Captain Orealia, Hero Rescuer.
Captain Orealia: Get in & I’ll ride you all to Studio G, fast!

(On the way to Ruff’s House) (October 11, 2010) (2:10 pm)

Captain Orealia: So what are your names?
Emmie Atwood: Emmie.
Rubye Peyser: Rubye.
Shreya Viswanathan: Shreya.
Marc Prophet: Marc.
Marco Frongilo: Marc, But I like to be called “Marco.”
Captain Orealia: Marco, nice to meet you.
Jay Ricco: & Jay.
Captain Orealia: So, Kids, why were you taken to Game Show Island by a Viking named Spven?
Emmie Atwood: Because we were supposed to arrive in something classy, like a limo.
Marco Frongilo: Yeah. What Emmie said.
Captain Orealia: Why did Spven the Viking take you to Game Show Island instead of Studio G?
Kids: We don’t know.
Captain Orealia: We’re here. Now, All off.
Kids: Thanks, Captain Orealia.
Captain Orealia: You’re welcome & don’t tell Ruff I took you home or tell him anyway.
Kids: Got it.
(Phone ringing)
Captain Orealia: Yes?
Cat Cora: Sandra, I’ve got you now! Police in New York, Hurry Back! They are taking some things from Kitchen Stadium.

Kitchen Stadium (October 11, 2010) (3:19 pm)

Sandra Orealia: Hey! Hey, Careful! What is going on?
Police Commissioner (New York): What is going on? A check inspection.
Sandra Orealia: Says who?
Police Commissioner (New York): This warrant. It’s not personal.
Sandra Orealia: I understand. You’re just doing your job, Police Commissioner.
Police Commissioner (New York): Tryin’ to. It’s hard to be a cop in New York. Every battle’s uphill, in the rain, with skates on.
Sandra Orealia: Cat, make sure to let them take what they got to take.
Cat Cora: Of course, Ma’am.
Police Commissioner (New York): We’re checking for things that were related to a show called “Go Get It! with Tom & Trixie,” a new Game Show.
Sandra Orealia: “Go Get It” is a ripoff of Fetch!, Commissioner.
Police Commissioner (New York): Yes, Sandra. That’s right. You should view Evidence on that.
Police Officer (New York): No “Go Get It” things. Orealia’s good.
Sandra Orealia: Thanks, Police.
(Doors close)
Cat Cora: All that during the Next Iron Chef’s 3rd Season & the 2010 NASCAR Season’s Chase in the Cup Series. A disaster is heading that direction.
Sandra Orealia: Someone will pay for kidnapping Chef Kirschner. Fred should know why.
Cat Cora: Then find out what happened.

(Cafe John) (October 11, 2010) (5:58 pm)

(Bang on Table)
Fred Davis: A warrant? What the heck is going on, Does this have to do with your Championship Chase?
Sandra Orealia: Yeah & The Police checked Kitchen Stadium & took none related to the ripoff of Fetch! & that’s that.
Fred Davis: Yeah, That’s that.
Sandra Orealia: I’m going to find out. Wish me luck on saving The Next Iron Chef & I’ll tell Alton in Los Angeles.

(Next Iron Chef (Outside)) (October 13, 2010) (7:01 pm)

Captain Orealia: Cat, I’m outside the building of the Next Iron Chef. Something’s fishy.
Cat Cora: Good god.
Captain Orealia: I need to know who’s kidnapped now & I’ve arrived in time & I see some evidence. I need to find out who. Setting up the scene.
Cat Cora: Standing by.
Captain Orealia: A button from Chef Pagan’s Chef Jacket. I’m afraid to say that Chef Pagan was kidnapped.
Cat Cora: Chef Mario Pagan? Oh my god!!
Captain Orealia: A card to Ruffman Manor, from the Butler.
Cat Cora: Ruffman Manor?
Captain Orealia: Find it back at home. I’ll see if it’s the Butler.
Cat Cora: Any proof?
Captain Orealia: Yes. Chef Pagan was kidnapped. He was netted.
Cat Cora: Oh, God.
Captain Orealia: Call the Police in LA.
Cat Cora: What happened here?
Captain Orealia: I think I know. Butler’s Cats abducted Chef Pagan when he was eliminated from the competition. So they caught him with an net & then dragged him & got away. So they were 2 Cats from Butler, led by himself. So I need to make 1 of Butler’s men & find out why he did this. There he is. Time to go to work.
(Shoving & Gun fires)
Captain Orealia: My turn! You’re gonna be asked a question. Butler! Why did he do this?!
Crook Chef: I’m not telling you anything! You can’t make me talk
Captain Orealia: Talk! & I’ll spare you a ride on a ambulance.
Crook Chef: Rather chance than talk to a clown like you.
(Captain Orealia slam drops him)
Crook Chef: You trying to harass a confession out of me? I won’t break.
Captain Orealia: You won’t.
(Crook lifted upside down & Captain Orealia grabs stick)
Crook Chef: I know what the Butler’s doing. You’re disaster.
Captain Orealia: Time to suffer defeat, Crook. You know you could be defeated so easily. Tell me the plan… or I harm you.
Crook Chef: Ok! Butler had plans to scare all who dare to move into Ruffman Manor & we had to kidnap all the chefs until the 8th Chef was eliminated. Chef by Chef. Someone is kidnapping Chefs & ordering Cats to make “Go Get It!” more pops than “FETCH!” & that’s all.
Captain Orealia: Why risk open war against Iron Chef America?
Crook Chef: Nets & Traps, Butler wanted ‘em.
Captain Orealia: Why are Chefs Kirschner & Pagan kidnapped?
Crook Chef: Because of someone & that’s all.
Captain Orealia: If you’re sure it’s the Butler, then I’ll make you take a nap!
(Punch Knockout)
Captain Orealia: Here, Cops. He talked all about it.
Police Officer (Los Angeles): What is it?
Captain Orealia: Crookery. The Butler of Ruffman Manor kidnapped Andrew Kirschner & Mario Pagan who were eliminated from Season 3 of “The Next Iron Chef.” I have to catch Ruffman Manor’s Butler before he scares everyone & kidnaps more Chefs.
Police Officer (Los Angeles): Good luck, Captain Orealia.

Charlotte Motor Speedway (October 14, 2010)

John Kealerson: Hey, Sandra.
Sandra Orealia: Hey, JK. Hi, 2-time Champ. Back in your regular Scoob car?
Billy Jackson: Zoinks! Yes & I hope that Ruffman becomes a legend.
Sandra Orealia: Hope so. I have a lot for 2011 since I’m racing Fetch! or a new Show from Sprout.
(Car drives away)
Cat Cora: How can this happen, Sandra?

Orealia Lair (October 17, 2010)

Cat Cora: I know you’ve finished 3rd, while Billy Jackson lost to Kealerson for the win. But that’s not important.
Sandra Orealia: Billy Jackson is still the points leader. Isn’t he?
Cat Cora: Yes, he is & Kealerson is 2 points behind him & you’re 6th.
(Computer Beeps)
Cat Cora: I think we’ve found our culprit.
Sandra Orealia: He’s at Packer Road, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania at a place called “Ruffman Manor.”
Cat Cora: Going to speak to him, Sandra?
Sandra Orealia: Yes. As Captain Orealia. I’m coming, Butler.

Ruffman Manor (October 17, 2010) (7:02 pm)

Ruff Ruffman: There it is, Ruffman Manor.
Captain Orealia: I’m at Ruffman Manor. There’s a Gardener trimming hedges.
Gardener: You won’t be finding any Trick or Treating Candy around here.
Marc Prophet: But, we’re not here to Trick or Treat.
Rubye Peyser: We we’re sent here by Ruff Ruffman.
Emmie Atwood: Yeah. See this mansion here actually belongs to Ruff Ruffman.
Gardener: So Ruffman Manor has a new owner?
Captain Orealia: What is going on here?
Emmie Atwood: Yeah. That’s right.
Gardener: Well? We’ll see?
(Glove drops)
Captain Orealia: Oh, lord!
Shreya Viswanathan: Oh, you’ve dropped your glove.
Cat Cora: I’m seeing a bunch of jiberish to the OrealiaComputer. What does that mean? What’s the Butler up to?
Captain Orealia: Kidnapping people & scaring the Manor.
Gardener: Got to get back to trimming these hedges.
Captain Orealia: Right. Here’s the kids’ knock on the door.
(Knocking & Door Opening)
All: Hello.
Butler: Good Evening. Welcome to Ruffman Manor.
Jay Ricco: Um, I’m guessing you’re the Butler?
Butler: Please. Come in.
Captain Orealia: Here we go. I hope it works.
Butler: We’re so pleased that Mr. Ruffman will be moving in to Ruffman Manor.
Cat Cora: Oh my lord! He can’t do that! He has a show to host.
Butler: I’m sure Maximilian won’t mind.
Captain Orealia: Oh, dear.
Butler: Follow me.
Captain Orealia: Is the 3rd floor off limits? I think it is.
Butler: The 3rd floor is off limits.
Captain Orealia: Yes. I’m right.
Butler: Young Ladies, to the left. Young Men, come with me.
Captain Orealia: Oh, Brother.
Butler: Woah! That’s Maximilian’s room. Do not touch that room since the day Maximilian passed away.
Marco Frongilo: Ok.
Captain Orealia: Oh my lord! This should be renovated!
Emmie Atwood: I wonder who slept in here? What are we supposed to do in here?
Rubye Peyser: I like the molding.
Butler: Young Ladies, could you check the closet? There’s something more appropriate to wear. Dinner will be at 7:30. Sharp.
Captain Orealia: Right, Appropriate Gowns & Tuxedos for Dinner on Halloween. But why? I need to keep spying on the Butler.
(Thunder rumbling)
(Kids Chatting)
Captain Orealia: They’re gathering for Dinner. How proper.
All: Cheers.
(Kids Chatting)
Chef: Hello. Welcome to Ruffman Manor.
Ruff Ruffman: My own personal Chef!
Chef: I do hope you like soup.
Emmie Atwood: Yeah.
Chef: I make it, every night. The same soup. It’s the only meal we serve here at Ruffman Manor.
Captain Orealia: Butler must have a Gardener & a Chef working for him. How nice.
Chef: And if you’d like more soup? Just ask. I have plenty of ladles. But they’re only to be used for soup.
Captain Orealia: Why does the Chef of Ruffman Manor only make soup? She should make more than that. Don’t taste the soup, Kids!
Jay Ricco: Why did she say those ladles were only to be used for soup? What else they could be used for?
Shreya Viswanathan: I don’t really trust her. I’m not sure I’m gonna be eating this soup.
Emmie Atwood: The soup could be poisoned or something.
Captain Orealia: I don’t know why the soup is poisonous. Cat, what’s going on there?
Cat Cora: The Butler’s coming. Better be ready.
Butler: I hope you’re enjoying your dinner.
Captain Orealia: You know the owner of this house, the only one he ever loved was his loyal dog, Maximilian Ruffman. Maximilian’s owner gave him & his future descendants this house. Maximilian was a creature of habit & always followed the same routine, every night, exactly 8:00 pm, he howled for his dinner, after eating he retired to the 3rd floor bedroom to chase his tail, then he returns to the 2nd floor for bed in his doghouse.
Captain Orealia: What’s happening next? I need to learn more.
Butler: In the morning, He headed straight to the study to spend the day, next to the desk of his owner.
Captain Orealia: Oh, great lord! How many hauntings are there?
Butler: & as we know, Maximilian is no longer with us. Is he?
Captain Orealia: I should wait until tomorrow morning & see what happened that night. Iron Chef Cora, Keep an eye on things for me.
Cat Cora: Of course, Ma’am, I’ll wake you up at 6:00 am.

Ruffman Manor (October 18, 2010) (8:00 am)

Captain Orealia: Ok. Here goes.
Shreya Viswanathan: Ok, you guys. Last night I realized we should probably look at the 4th part of the story that the Butler told us. Remember Maximilian comes to this room & lies next to his owners desk.
Captain Orealia: Audio footage from last night, Iron Chef Cora?
Cat Cora: Got it.
Butler (Over Audio): In the morning, He headed straight to the study to spend the day, next to the desk of his owner.
Captain Orealia: That’s right. The 4th haunting would take place in the study.
Marco Frongilo: We’re gonna have to set a trap, Guys, & if we’re gonna set a trap, then we’re gonna set it here.
Captain Orealia: Time to set a trap, Kids & find out why the Butler kidnapped Kirschner & Pagan.

Ruffman Manor (October 18, 2010) (8:30 am)

Captain Orealia: Here goes, Huh? The Butler? Did he do this?
(Alarm Rings & Butler Runs)
Butler: AAH!
(Net drops & is removed)
Shreya Viswanathan: It was the Butler!
Emmie Atwood: It was you!
All: It was you!
Captain Orealia: Good work, Kids!
Butler: Yes. It was me. I wanted to scare you. Like I’ve scared every Ruffman who tried to move into this Manor.
Captain Orealia: Yes that’s true & you’ve got a lot of Answers! Now or you fall!
Butler: Alright! Alright!
Captain Orealia: Chefs Kirschner & Pagan! Where are they?!
Butler: What?!
Kids: But why? Why?
Butler: I like being the boss of this house.
Chef: This guy has been bossing us around for years.
Gardener: He was too cheap to let me buy Gardening Shears. So I had to make do with these nailclippers.
Chef: & he made me cook soup, every night.
Captain Orealia: & I saw the card to this place. Ruffman Manor!
Butler: You think I wanted to lead you here?
(All gasp)
Butler: Something reeks about this whole hoax & It ain’t a Woman hero!!
(Butler grabs gun & Captain Orealia Counters, flicks out the gun & Headbutts the Butler)
(News & Press take Pictures & record footage)
Gardener: We are Private Investigators, that’s why we gave you those clues.
Captain Orealia: Still want to terrorize, Butler?
Butler: We’re all been planning something for you! You’re doomed! But someone’s trying to save the world, Because I did not kidnap Chef Kirschner & Chef Pagan.
Captain Orealia: Then who did?
Butler: No. we’re done! & I would’ve gotten away with it too! If weren’t for you kids & that meddling Game Show Host Dog! America’s watching now!
Chef: You can go back & tell Mr. Ruffman, that Ruffman Manor is ready for him to move in.
Emmie Atwood: Let’s get back to Studio G, Guys!
Captain Orealia: See ya later, Kids. (Turns to Butler) Now! Your turn!
Butler: Go ahead, finish me. I’ll be walking free by this afternoon! Wait, what the heck are you…
(Butler hits a wall)
Butler: OW!
Captain Orealia: Spill it, Butler. While you still can.
Butler: It’s “Go Get It! with Tom & Trixie.” They’re behind the Next Iron Chef kidnappings.
Captain Orealia: What do you mean?
Butler: You really want to know why? We’ll, Go Get It! is my show to watch!
(Chef & Gardener pick up the Butler)
Captain Orealia: Take him to the Police Station in New England! I’ve got a crime to stop! From Go Get It!
(Sirens wail)
Captain Orealia: Police is here. Take him there.
Chef & Gardener: Right.
Captain Orealia: Enjoy your trip to New England, Butler.

End of Episode 1 Scene

Julie Chen: Haunting & Kidnapping have been Null & Void. This morning, Ruffman Manor, a Manor that was built in 1874 in Pennsylvania was the arena for a fight between the notorious Captain Orealia, 6 kids & alleged Butler: Jeff Harry, Who was brutally beaten up on a wall of the Manor. Though I’d say the Butler getting his is well overdue. Harry has slipped through America’s grasps for years. But after this dramatic arrest & evidence laid out by 6 kids, Harry is going to Jail for a long, long time. & speaking of newly uncovered shows, this brings us to the show everyone’s been talking about: “Go Get It!.” For weeks the show’s hosts Tom & Trixie are using the Go Get It! 6000 & are produced by an unknown organization, which is a mystery. In a world where the “Go Get It!” is behind the Next Iron Chef kidnappings. Who are we needing? Who could America have as it’s hero? Captain Orealia? Only time we’ll tell. Meanwhile, we’ll find out about the show that is a rip-off of FETCH!, but the true feeling throughout America is that the FETCH! rip-off must be stopped before they take over the world.
(Orealiamobile going fast & stopping)
(Captain Orealia jumps out of car)
Captain Orealia: The Hosts, The Go Get It! 6000, This Triumphant Total!
(Captain Orealia unmasks & drops mask)
Cat Cora: Young Sandra?
Sandra Orealia: Everything from an unknown organization & whatever they’re up to. This isn’t good, because they’re planning to take over the country. If Butler‘s telling the truth about “Go Get It!.” Then what in the heck did they do this for?
Cat Cora: Sandra, we must find out!
Sandra Orealia:  Yeah! What you said… with help!


Written by: Amber Johnson
Teleplay by: Micha Snodderly, Eytan Keller & Paul Serafini
Produced by: Micha Snodderly
Directed by: Paul Serafini, Eytan Keller & Raf Wathion

Airdate: October 19, 2010

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