Saturday, November 2, 2024

Sandra Orealia: Hearth of Takeover - Episode 2 - Go Get It! (Updated)

Episode 2 of Sandra Orealia - Hearth of Takeover - Go Get It!


After Go Get It! was rumored to be behind the kidnappings on The Next Iron Chef, Captain Orealia decides to protect the 6 kids & find out why Go Get It is behind the kidnappings & save a wedding.


TV Store (October 19, 2010) (5:00 am)

The next morning, Sandra was watching an episode of Go Get It! & then finds out why with Iron Chef Cat Cora & she states that Go Get It isn't a good show to watch. With this epiphany, Sandra decided to visit the Butler in the Police Station in Boston and get more answers about Go Get It!'s involvement in their organization on the kidnappings on The Next Iron Chef.

Boston Police Department (October 19, 2010) (8:56 am)

With Fred's help, Sandra managed to arrange to visit Jeff Harry in the Boston Police Department, the two pulling as many strings as they had in the department to do so. As they waited to be shown to the crime-lord in the infirmary, Fred asked why Sandra wanted to see him to make sure shes keeps them to herself. They were met by the Commissioner, who showed them through the Department, which gained the attention of several people already at the department. Sandra also met Claire Gilbert, who showed her support, despite the allegations against Go Get It!. Arriving at the infirmary, Sandra went in alone to talk to Harry.

She found that she had injured Jeff Harry badly, but he was still alive, albeit in pain. Sandra learnt more about Go Get It!'s operations with the kidnappings and how the Butler considered her 'friends', even if she wasn't aware of the operations. With his pain increasing, Harry asked Sandra to reduce it by giving him morphine. Sandra gives Harry a small amount of morphine, reducing his pain. Doing so will remind him of Go Get It!'s kindness and 'human touch'. When she asked Harry about Ruffman's Parents, he said that they have disappeared & Orealia heard everything & leaves the butler for his stay at prison, which makes Sandra realize that Go Get It! might have been involved. He leaves the Boston Police to find Go Get It!.

Orealia Lair (October 19, 2010) (1:02 pm)

Returning to the Orealia Lair, Sandra and Cat are able to find out why Go Get It! is behind the Next Iron Chef kidnappings & Sandra decides to protect all 6 & follow one of the kids tomorrow as Captain Orealia.

Narragansett Creamery (October 20, 2010) (11:30 am)

At the creamery finding Emmie with Louella Hill, Captain Orealia spies on her making Mozzarella in the Orealiamobile they make mozzarella cheese, like cultures, bacteria, lactose, lactic acid, rennet, curds and whey. & by the time Emmie was done, she was asked to go to a restarunt called Chez Pascal & Captain Orealia drives away in the Orealiamobile to Chez Pascal.

Chez Pascal (October 20, 2010) (1:30 pm)

Captain Orealia finds Emmie entering Chez Pascal & Matt Gennuso greets her. She shows her the Cheese & he & Emmie decided to make Grilled Cheese with Bacon & Emmie's Friends & Family enter the restarunt as judges & eat the Grilled Cheese & vote for hers & Emmie leaves the building to bring the food sample back to Ruff Ruffman, but Captain Orealia stops her & takes Emmie's Chesse & will get a few bucks for this snack & Emmie walks back to Studio G empty handed.

Orealia Lair/Studio G (October 20, 2010) (2:56 pm)

Sandra Orealia sees footage of the show & Emmie was asked on her challenge & stated that she gave the food sample to Captain Orealia, while Sandra scans the Cheese & decides to take it to the creamery, tomorrow, but she actually has a wedding to attend for Steve & Denise & learned that Chef Dumont was also kidnapped. So she decided to go as herself with Cat Cora & Jose Garces.

Truly Jörg’s Patisserie (October 21, 2010) (11:32 am)

Sandra heads to the patstry shop & spies Emmie, Marc, Marco & Shreya entering the shop & meets Jörg & Sean & Jörg says that He & Sean are Cake artists & they are faced with a challenge & Grandma Ruffman calls 4 out of the 6 kids & tells them that an Extreme Cake Frosting challenge will have 2 teams, Emmie & Shreya & Marc & Marco for Team Fig & Team Tucker. While Orealia heads to the wedding & tells Cat Cora to attend with Sandra.

Nashoba Valley Winery (October 21, 2010) (2:05 pm)

Orealia attends the Wedding with Cat Cora & talk things over & see Steve & Denise Married & after that Ruff Ruffman taps into the Wedding's PA System & tells the Wedding Guests Hello & Ruff orders the Wedding Guests to vote for Steve & Denise's Wedding Cake & they all vote & Ruff says that Marc & Marco's Cake wins. Everyone including Sandra Orealia & Cat Cora get served Cake, but then Sandra sees a crooked chef & rushes away to her car & suit up as Captain Orealia. The Crooks try to kill everyone, but Captain Orealia stopped the attack & saved the wedding of Steve & Denise & said to the Wedding Guests that those crooks will be arrested by the Police after Captain Orealia called them & some retreated & everyone accepts with a laugh.

End of Episode 2 Scene

The News Report spreaded out as Go Get It was rumored to be behind the Next Iron Chef Kidnappings Later, Sandra & Fred keeps an eye on Steve & Denise in the hospital and watches a report announcing that Chefs Kirschner, Pagan & Dumont are still missing. Met by the Police Commissioner, he assures him that both Steve & Denise will be fine, as Fred decides to help Captain Orealia in one condition. The episode ends with the Go Get It's symbol graffiti on a side alley's wall and the intro of Go Get It plays with Tom saying "Some ponies want to tell me why they got dogs SINGING?!" as the screen turns black.


Michelle Trachenberg - Sandra Orealia/Captain Orealia
Cat Cora - Cat Cora
Stephen Hope-Wynne - Fred Davis
Jose Garces - Jose Garces
Kurt Russell - Police Commissioner (Boston)
Melissa Joan Hart - Claire Gilbert
Sean Peters - Jeff Harry
Emmie Atwood - Emmie Atwood
Shreya Viswanathan - Shreya Viswanathan
Marc Prophet - Marc Prophet 
Marco Frongilo - Marco Frongilo
Louella Hill - Louella Hill
Matt Gennuso - Matt Gennuso
Jim Conroy - Ruff Ruffman/Grandma Ruffman/Tom
Jörg Amsler - Jörg Amsler
Cam Norman - Steve
Samantha Harris - Denise
Todd Lookiland - Crook Chef No. 1
Robert Peters - Crook Chef No. 2
Cardin Jackson - Crook Chef No. 3
James Arthur - Crook Chef No. 4
Barry Martin - Crook Chef No. 5
Garry Chalk - Judge


TV Store (October 19, 2010) (5:00 am)

Narrator: So the events made Sandra the only choice to find out why Go Get It with Tom & Trixie are behind the kidnappings of Chef Kirschner & Chef Pagan. So Sandra was at a TV Store.
Tom: Go Get It! Yeah! with Tom & Trixie.
Cat Cora: I’m not only going to help you, but all of the Iron Chefs will support you & your friends for this cause. I thought I might find you at the TV store, the news was all about Go Get It! & that’s not good!
Sandra Orealia: What is going on with this “Go Get It!?”
Cat Cora: What is going on? It’s not a good show to watch! That is what! Did you read it yet?
Sandra Orealia: Yeah! I did & I want answers & The Butler from Ruffman Manor knows why! Tell Fred Davis to meet me at the Boston Police Department.

Boston Police Department (October 19, 2010) (8:56 am)

Narrator: So Sandra arranged with Fred Davis to go to the Boston Police Department.
(Elevator Bell dings)
Fred Davis: Getting you to see Harry like this— I don’t have to tell you how many rules we’re breaking. Don’t get me wrong. I’m always here for you. But this could land us both in hot water. I pulled all the strings I had with the Commissioner. This better not come back to bite us.
Sandra Orealia: Look, I get that, Freddie, okay? & it means a lot to me.
Fred Davis: I know it does, Sandra. Doesn’t make it any easier. They know what’s coming for “Go Get It!”, Captain Orealia. At least tell me what this is about. Look, I’m all for helpful support. But I should at least know what I’m getting myself into. 
Sandra Orealia: This is a personal matter, Fred.
Fred Davis: Fine, fine, don’t tell me. But I hope none of this comes back to bite us. I don’t want your headlines taking away from your run at a Championships in Sprint Cup & Nationwide.
Police Commissioner (Boston): Davis. Miss Orealia. Welcome to the Boston Police Department.
Sandra Orealia: Thank you, Commissioner.
Police Commissioner (Boston): Ordinarily we’d never let you to see Butler, Jeff Harry, but must be nice to have a FBI Agent in your pocket, Miss Orealia. Bend the rules whenever you need it.
Sandra Orealia: I realize this is irregular, Commissioner. I wouldn’t ask if there was another way.
Fred Davis: I’m rooting for her, Commissioner. Trust me, she’s one of the good girls.
Police Commissioner (Boston): A good girl who always got what they want. In my book, there’s no such thing.
Police Officer: Nice Job bringing in Harry. That Madman better not get off again.
Police Commissioner (Boston): He’s not getting off the hook, Claire. Not this time.
Claire Gilbert: Miss Orealia? Sergeant Claire Gilbert. I just wanted to say, some of us Police support you. Despite the Go Get It! Invasion.
Sandra Orealia: Thanks, Sergeant Gilbert.
Police Commissioner (Boston): We had to put Harry in the infirmary. Captain Orealia smashed him on the wall of a Manor, She’s helped us a lot in the past, but if you ask me, she’s out of control to crooks.
Sandra Orealia: Well whoever she is behind the mask. Captain Orealia’s a hero to me.
Police Commissioner (Boston): & that’s the problem. People love her & criminals are trying to end her, once & for all.
Fred Davis: At least someone’s getting tough on these guys. I tell you. I’d rather have Harry in Jail, then out on the street.
Police Commissioner (Boston): You weren’t there, Fred. You didn’t see it. Alright. Harry’s inside. Say what you got to say. We’ll be out here.
Narrator: Sandra then heads in & see's Jeff Harry from Ruffman Manor waking up.
(Door Opens & Harry wakes up)
Jeff Harry: The heck— Sandra Orealia…? You must have some clout. My lawyers can’t get in to see me. Good thing I’ll be out of here in a week. It’s like a mausoleum in here.
Sandra Orealia: We need to talk, Harry.
Jeff Harry: This is the first time we’ve met. But then I knew you come around. Especially after the press got their teeth to the rip-off of FETCH!. You’re a NASCAR Driver. Yeah, that’s right. FETCH!’s rip-off & I were close. More than friends. More like cousins. Going back weeks.
Sandra Orealia: Did you have something to do with the disappearance of Ruff’s parents?
Jeff Harry: So that’s what this is really about? A woman trying to find a parent.
Sandra Orealia: Two Parents & they’re missing.
Jeff Harry: I know it’s hard to face that rip-off. I thought you’d have figured that out by now. I was about to watch “Go Get It! with Tom & Trixie.” But your- your friend arrested me. Got a lot of “Go Get It!” merchandise I was never able to give you.
Sandra Orealia: Well then. Let me know if you see a Go Get It episode & let me know.
Jeff Harry: There it is. Now I got you hooked. Go Get It was responsible for the disappearance of Ruff’s parents & that’s it. I have a lot of pain. Can’t think through it. Morphine’s on the side there. Be a good girl & help Butler Harry out.
Narrator: So Sandra helps out Harry by injecting Morphine on him.
(Orealia injects Morphine on Harry)
Jeff Harry: 30 years I keep my veins clean of any of that gunk. But you never forget the tender things. It’d be easy to give me a whole vial, wouldn’t it? Enough there to put an old dog down forever. Of course you’d never know the story. How much of that show do you have not in you? What kind of game is Go Get It making?
Sandra Orealia: I need you Coherent or you’ll be dead anyway.
Jeff Harry: There it is. That Anti-Go Get It! streak. Much better, Kid. Thank you. Gesture like this, reminds you of FETCH!’s Rip-off, This disappearance of Wink & Dianh Ruffman is worse & that’s it.
Sandra Orealia: That’s it. Enjoy your stay in prison.
Jeff Harry: I’ll be coming for Captain Orealia when I break out of prison! Mark my words!
Narrator: & Sandra closes the door.
Police Commissioner (Boston): That’s all, Sandra? What did he say?
Sandra Orealia: He said that Wink & Dinah’s disappearances are in the hands of Go Get It! & That’s all. I’ll see ya later, Fred.
Fred Davis: Yes, Sandra Ma’am. See ya later.
Sandra Orealia: Iron Chef Cora, I’ve got to get back to the lair, I’ve got information on who’s behind this.
Narrator: So Sandra heads to the Orealia Lair & then decides to face Go Get It.

Orealia Lair (October 19, 2010) (1:02 pm)

Narrator: & as Sandra drove in... She spoke with Cat Cora, her guardian.
(Car drives in)
(Door Opens)
(Door Closes)
Sandra Orealia: Either Tom & Trixie kidnapped Chef Kirschner & Pagan or someone else is using plans to take over the world. Either way I need to find out who’s the responsible criminal for kidnapping Kirschner & Pagan, let’s check the USA Map & see what’s going on.
Cat Cora: I know how it will effect for Iron Chef America. I don’t know why?
Sandra Orealia: It wasn’t the Butler who kidnapped Chef Kirschner & Pagan, So I’m going to protect all 6 kids at once & it’s time for Captain Orealia to meet a kid, Tomorrow.

Narragansett Creamery (October 20, 2010) (11:30 am)

Narrator: At the creamery that next day...
Captain Orealia: I’m at Narragansett Creamery & I see Emmie. Time for the sound amplifier.
Emmie Atwood: Hi. Are you the Cheesemaker?
Cheesemaker: Yes. I’m a Cheesemaker. My name’s Louella.
Emmie Atwood: Hi. I’m Emmie.
Louella Hill: So you want to work with me l for the day?
Emmie Atwood: Oh, Sure. Cheese is kind of my passion, My career path, My destiny, you could say.
Louella Hill: Well, that’s awesome. Because it’s also my career path & my destiny.
Emmie Atwood: Cool.
Louella Hill: I love making cheese & I get to do it every day.
Captain Orealia: Drone cam, Deploy.
Louella Hill: We’re here at the Creamery. We make all the cheese in this room & then we age it. We buy our milk, It comes in the same day that it’s milked from the Cow.
Emmie Atwood: How does the milk get turned into cheese?
Louella Hill: I’ll show you that. So we filled the VAT.
Emmie Atwood: Right.
Louella Hill: The next thing that we have to do is wait until the temperature is correct, Because we’re heating up the milk. You can maybe feel it.
Emmie Atwood: Yeah.
Louella Hill: & then when it’s the right temperature, we add cultures. What’s another name for cultures?
Emmie Atwood: What’s it called?
Louella Hill: Bacteria. What a bacteria like to do?
Emmie Atwood: Eat?
Louella Hill: Eat. Exactly, we add this bacteria & we use a special bacteria that is going to make our Mozzarella taste like Mozzarella. The bacteria is heating the sugar in the milk.
Emmie Atwood: Really?
Louella Hill: Which is called Lactose.
Emmie Atwood: Oh that makes sense.
Louella Hill: Yeah. So they eat the lactose & they produce lactic acid & that makes it start to get tangy like Yogurt.
Captain Orealia: Like Yogurt that is frozen for Ice Cream.
Louella Hill: The next thing we do after that is we add rennet & rennet is an enzyme that we put in the milk & it’s gonna cause the proteins in the milk to coagulate & thicken & that’s gonna start becoming cheese. You just pour it right in & then we’re gonna mix… Yeah, perfect & then just stay with the machine.
Captain Orealia: Oh, good. I’m seeing what happens.
Louella Hill: The rennet has now set, it’s not liquid anymore.
Emmie Atwood: It’s solid, it feels like Jello.
Louella Hill: This is Cheese right here.
Emmie Atwood: Is this going to become Mozzarella?
Louella Hill: Yeah & then our next step, we’re going to go ahead & cut the cheese. Milk separates into Curds & that yellowy fluid that’s sweeping out, that’s whey. 
Emmie Atwood: So the solid white is the cheese & the yellow is the whey.
Louella Hill: We actually use the whey to make our Ricotta .
Emmie Atwood: Oh, really?
Captain Orealia: Iron Chef Cora, do you remember the Ricotta battle you won in March when Miley & Emma helped out?
Cat Cora: Yeah! I do.
Narrator: Moments later, something stretchy is going on.
Louella Hill: & now I’m going to show you what we do to stretch Mozzarella.
Emmie Atwood: Oh wow.
Louella Hill: This is Mozzarella Curd.
Emmie Atwood: Alright. 
Louella Hill: After we cut the Mozzarella into bits, we put Hot, Hot Water on it, so it’s melting & I’m kind of jostling up a little, Because you want the Hot Water to touch all the different areas, that Mozzarella curd is starting to melt on the outside. Can you see it?
Emmie Atwood: Yeah.
Louella Hill: & what’s it doing when it’s melting?
Emmie Atwood: Well it’s taking a new shape. It’s kind of stringy.
Ruff Ruffman: Ooh, Stretchy.
Louella Hill: & what I want to do to make a ball of Mozzarella is compact all of those little bits so that none of them are still in curd shape. So your challenge, is to take this handful of curds & make your own Mozzarella ball.
Emmie Atwood: My own Mozzarella?
Louella Hill: Do you think you can do it?
Emmie Atwood: Oh, yeah. I think I can do this.
Ruff Ruffman: Alright, Emmie. Time to make the Mozzarella. Got the Cheese curd in the bowl. Now you add the scalding Hot Water.
Emmie Atwood: Oh it’s Hot.
Ruff Ruffman: Please be careful.
Emmie Atwood: So it’s gonna take a different shape now. It’s becoming more stringy like the string Cheese.
Captain Orealia: Oh, boy.
Emmie Atwood: Ok, it’s kind of… turning into a ball now. It’s getting smoother. This is a good sign, Ruff. Okay, that looks pretty smooth to me. What about you, Ruff?
Ruff Ruffman: Although I am getting a little tired of Cheese I still can’t wait to try yours when you come back to Studio G.
Emmie Atwood: I want to taste a piece now.
Ruff Ruffman: Tasty?
Emmie Atwood: That’s good.
Captain Orealia: Oh, a happy kid!
Emmie Atwood: I can’t believe I just made that.
Captain Orealia: I need to find out where Emmie’s going where next.
Louella Hill: Alright, Emmie. You’ve really done a great job & I think you’ve got a better idea of what it means to make Cheese.
Emmie Atwood: Definitely.
Louella Hill: This is the Cheese that you made.
Emmie Atwood: Oh, cool.
Louella Hill: I challenge you to take this piece of Cheese to a high-end restaurant, Chez Pascal & see what happens.
Captain Orealia: Bingo!
Narrator: & Captain got her answer & drove to Chez Pascal.
(Car Engine starts up & Orealiamobile drives away)

Chez Pascal (October 20, 2010) (1:30 pm)

Cat Cora: What is it, Sandra?
Captain Orealia: I’m at Chez Pascal & I’m seeing Emmie meeting Matt Gennuso, Head Chef of Chez Pascal. 
Emmie Atwood: Hi.
Matt Gennuso: Nice to meet you.
Emmie Atwood: Nice to meet you too.
Matt Gennuso: What do you have here?
Emmie Atwood: Okay, So this is the Mozzarella Cheese that I made & I heard that you might be able to tell me how it is.
Matt Gennuso: Um, how about some Grilled Cheese?
Ruff Ruffman: Excellent Idea!
Emmie Atwood: Yeah. All right.
Matt Gennuso: We’re gonna do your homemade Cheese against Store-bought. 
Emmie Atwood: Okay.
Matt Gennuso: It’s a competition.
Emmie Atwood: Okay.
Matt Gennuso: We should get you an apron on.
Emmie Atwood: Oh, this is Ruff.
Matt Gennuso: So the first thing I’m going to do is we’re gonna be putting Butter into a pan. Now go ahead & let’s take your Bread. We’re gonna make 1 Sandwich with the Store-bought & 1 with your homemade. So go ahead & take two slices each, then we’re gonna put some Bacon in the middle.
Captain Orealia: Oh, I love Grilled Cheese. 
Emmie Atwood: This looks good 
Matt Gennuso: Perfect. Now put the Cheese on top. Now we want to do the same thing with your Cheese.
Emmie Atwood: Okay. So put 1 slice?
Matt Gennuso: Yep.
Emmie Atwood: & then Bacon?
Matt Gennuso: So now, let’s go ahead & put your Bread.
Emmie Atwood: That one on.
Captain Orealia: Oh & who are the Judges? Real?
Matt Gennuso: So the true test of this is tasting it. Now we have some real Judges.
Captain Orealia: What are Emmie’s Friends & Family doing at Matt’s Restaurant?
Emmie Atwood: Uh, Hi, Guys! What are you doing here?
Emmie’s Friend’s Dad: We heard there was Cheese here.
Emmie Atwood: Wow! You guys surprised me.
Captain Orealia: What is going on in there? Emmie’s Cheese to be eaten?
Ruff Ruffman: Now the Judges will decide which Sandwich tastes better.
Captain Orealia: Why are they eating Grilled Cheese with Bacon? I think they’ll taste Emmie’s homemade Cheese.
Cat Cora: Why are they eating Grilled Cheese with Bacon? Unless they would eat it & let Emmie take the Cheese back to Studio G? Oh! Get Ready, Sandra. You’re on.
Matt Gennuso: So now what we want to know is which you guys think tasted the best.
Captain Orealia: I think they’re all gonna vote for No. 1. I think my hunch was correct, Iron Chef Cora.
Matt Gennuso: The Sandwich that was made by Emmie was No. 1.
Captain Orealia: I’m right. & I see Emmie leaving with her Cheese & she’s heading to Studio G. I must take Emmie’s Cheese.
Emmie Atwood: I hope Ruff gets it.
(Captain Orealia corners Emmie)
Captain Orealia: Oh, Hello, Emmie. (Takes Emmie’s Cheese) Hmmm. Delicious. I’ll get this as a snack for a few dollars.
Emmie Atwood: Eh… Sure, take it.
(Emmie walks away)
Captain Orealia: Got it. Taking it back to the big computer now.
Narrator: So Captain Orealia heads back to the Orealia Lair with a piece of cheese.

Orealia Lair/Studio G (October 20, 2010) (2:56 pm)

Narrator: But later, when she saw the footage on the Orealia Computer...
Ruff Ruffman: & right behind them. The big Cheese herself, Emmie. Emmie, How did you enjoy your career challenge?
Emmie Atwood: It was awesome. One of the best times ever.
Ruff Ruffman: So all that delicious Cheese that you made. Did you happen to bring any back for the Ruffster? 
Emmie Atwood: Well, um. No. Because I gave it to Captain Orealia.
Ruff Ruffman: Always bring home a sample on a Food challenge for the host.
Emmie Atwood: Got it.
Sandra Orealia: Alright. I’ve seen enough. (Footages turn into scanning) This Cheese is great & the taste is good. So we’re scanning it now.
Cat Cora: How did you get a sample from Emmie? Asking her nicely? 
Sandra Orealia: I took it from her & said nicely like that. I’m taking the cheese back to the creamery, Tomorrow.
Cat Cora: Actually, Sandra. You have a wedding to attend tomorrow & by the way, while you were spying on Emmie, Chef Dumont was kidnapped, by not the Butler, but by cats. 
Sandra Orealia: I think I’ll spy on the kids, Tomorrow & see if they have a challenge at a Cake shop & I’m going undercover as Sandra Orealia.

Truly Jörg’s Patisserie (October 21, 2010) (11:32 am)

Narrator: First, Harry talked to & then Emmie's Cheese for Ruff tooken by Captain Orealia & now 3 chefs kidnapped & now a Wedding that Sandra must attend? This isn't looking right.
Sandra Orealia: I’m at the Pastry Shop & I think I see Emmie, Marc, Marco & Shreya, Entering the Pastry Shop. Do you see it, Cat?
Cat Cora: Of course. See it from your Computer?
Jörg Amsler: Hey, Guys. Welcome to the Pastry Shop. I’m Jörg, This is Sean. We both are Cake artists. We’re faced with a little bit of a challenge, Today. We have to actually make a Wedding Cake. It’s a fun Couple & they’re getting married, Tonight. 
Sandra Orealia: Yes, my hunch was right. A Wedding challenge.
(Phone Rings)
Shreya Viswanathan: Hello?
Grandma Ruffman: Hello, Fetchers!
Ruff Ruffman: Excuse Me. Grandma?
Grandma Ruffman: Ruff, I’m talking here. Now, Jörg, Fetchies, I have a wonderful idea. An extreme frosting challenge! Doesn’t that sound nice?
All: Yeah.
Sandra Orealia: I’ll keep spying on this, Iron Chef Cora. & Iron Chef Cora, tell Iron Chef Garces that you & Garces should be heading to the Wedding in Wedding clothes.
Grandma Ruffman: Here’s some information about the Bride & Groom, Steve is the Groom, Denise is the Bride. Denise’s favorite color is Green, Steve’s is Blue, Denise was raised on a Chicken farm. Steve made a nice Wedding Ring out of a Quarter. They love Music, Sports & the outdoors.
Ruff Ruffman: Uh, Grandma…
Grandma Ruffman: I’m still talking, Ruff. Now we’ll have 2 teams: The girls, Team Tucker & The boys, Team Fig. Each team will design & frost a Wedding Cake for Denise & Steve.
Ruff Ruffman: Yes, But…
Grandma Ruffman: Ruffy, Grandma is on the phone. Now we’re gonna let the Bride & Groom decide, at the Wedding. Which cake will be their Wedding Cake. So go make a Wedding Cake!
Ruff Ruffman: Grandma, this is my show.
Grandma Ruffman: Yes, but I’m making it better, Dear.
Sandra Orealia: I’m going to the Wedding, Cat. Where are you at?
Cat Cora: In the Car, Sandra. I’m prepping for the Wedding, Like you asked.
Sandra Orealia: Hurry. The Wedding doesn’t start till 2:00 pm.
Narrator: & Sandra drove to the Wedding at Nashoba Valley Winery.

Nashoba Valley Winery (October 21, 2010) (2:05 pm)

Narrator: later at the wedding...
Sandra Orealia: Wow! I’ve seen what I seen at the Cake Shop, Today, Iron Chef Cora & Just in time. I found out what the Cakes are like & seen 4 kids, minus Rubye & Jay. Where are they at?
Cat Cora: Rubye & Jay are at the Grizzly & Wolf Center.
Sandra Orealia: Good. Oh, I see Denise & Steve about to get Married.
Judge: I now pronounce Husband & Wife.
Sandra Orealia: We better get to the Banquet, after this.
Cat Cora: Right, Sandra.
Ruff Ruffman: Alright. Time to tap into the Wedding’s PA system. Here we go.
Ruff Ruffman (Over Speaker): Ahem. Hello? Hello, Wedding Guests. Ruff Ruffman here. So are the Fetcher’s Cakes looking awesome or what?
Ruff Ruffman (Over Speaker): Yeah. But this is a competition & I need your help. You are going to select Denise & Steve’s official Wedding Cake. By round of applause, who wants the Girls Cake to win?
Ruff Ruffman (Over Speaker): Now. Who thinks the Boys Cake should win?
Ruff Ruffman (Over Speaker): Wow. This is close. But according to the FETCH! 3000’s Applause-O-Meter. The winning Cake is… The Boys!
(Applause & Cheers)
Sandra Orealia: Way to go, Boys. & congrats to Everyone.
Cat Cora: How’s Marc & Marco’s Cake, Sandra?
Sandra Orealia: So delicious & tasty. Huh, What’s a chef doing there? I think he has a gun.
Cat Cora: Uh-oh! I’ll call the cops while you go get your suit.
Sandra Orealia: Got it, Cat. Hold this, Iron Chef Cora. Excuse me, Coming Through. Iron Chef Garces, I need my Mask & Suit & Belt.
Jose Garces: Of course, Miss Orealia. What is it?
Sandra Orealia: Crooked Chefs.
Jose Garces: Go to the Girls Bathroom or hide in a bush so that no one can see you & Oh, you have everything in your car.
Sandra Orealia: Got it.
Narrator: A stickup at a wedding? Not good at all!
Crook Chef: All right, Wedding Guests! This is a Stick-up!
Denise: What do you want?
Steve: Get out!
Crook Chef: Just to see yourselves robbed!
Captain Orealia: Did you say: Robbed, Crooks?!
Crooks: Who said that? Find the traitor! Now!
Captain Orealia: Hey, Crooks! Knock! Knock!
(Captain Orealia releases Smoke Bombs & the Smoke Bombs release Smoke)
Captain Orealia: You’re Under Arrest! I’m taking you to Jail & saving this Wedding! Everyone, run!!!
Cat Cora: You’ve heard her! Everyone, Run!
Captain Orealia: Now, Gentlemen, 1 vs. 3. You’re working for Go Get It!, Huh?
Captain Orealia: This will teach you crooks a lesson! Now you’re done! You’re Under Arrest!
Crooks: Retreat! Maybe a Wedding attack is a bad idea!
(Applause & Boos)
Captain Orealia: I summoned the police to Nashoba Valley. They’ll be here for those attackers & some got away!
Crowd: Oh, No! We’re Okay! (Laughing)
Narrator: The news was spreaded out again, when 3 criminal chefs were arrested.

End of Episode 2 Scene

Julie Chen: Nashoba Valley was in chaos after 3 criminals tried to attack a Wedding of Steve & Denise & while some retreated & 3 are arrested, The country is Facing a Cat Zombie invasion.
(At the Boston Police Department Infirmary)
Narrator: & at the infirmary...
Julie Chen: Meanwhile, The Next Iron Chef kidnappings continue to happen with Chefs Dumont, Pagan & Kirschner still missing. 
Boston Police Commissioner: Miss Orealia, Mister Davis.
Fred Davis: Commissioner.
Boston Police Commissioner: Sandra’s fans, Steve & Denise are lucky if Captain Orealia stopped ‘em all, along with the Culprits.
Fred Davis: I’ll help Captain Orealia, But in 1 condition.
Narrator: Who are those crooked chefs that work for a unknown company? & is Go Get It! working for that company? Stay tuned for more of Sandra Orealia.
Julie Chen: The unknown Company is somehow producing Go Get It! despite the Cat Zombie Invasion.
(TV Screen changes)
Tom: Go Get It! Yeah! With Tom & Trixie! Someone want to tell me why we get the dogs singing?


Written by: Eytan Keller
Teleplay by: Micha Snodderly & Wayne Simpson
Produced by: Micha Snodderly
Directed by: Paul Serafini & Raf Wathion

Airdate: October 26, 2010

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